Rommel himself owned up to his mistake and uttered How stupid of me when he heard of the invasion. 当隆美尔听到入侵的消息,他承认错误说我真愚蠢。
But the Germans would have stood a far better chance if Rommel had just settled for sending his wife a birthday telegram. 但是如果隆美尔满足于给他妻子发一份生日电报,德国本会有更大的成功机会。
One of the most pivotal moments in World War II caught Erwin Rommel with his pants down. 二战中,其中一个关键时刻杀埃尔温隆美尔一个措手不及,使他狼狈不堪。
Although Rommel rushed back as quickly as he could, the damage was done. 尽管隆美尔尽可能快地赶回,损失也已经造成了。
In late 1942, the American Navy halted Japanese expansion in the Pacific, the British army defeated Rommel in North Africa and Russian troops were encircling the German forces at Stalingrad. 1942年后期,美国海军在太平洋成功遏制了日军的扩张,英国军队在北非击败了隆美尔(rommel),而苏军在斯大林格勒包围了德军。
We were face to face with Rommel's forces at that time. 当时我军正与隆美尔的军队对峙着。
The German song was "captured" by the British fighting Rommel in the desert. 这首德国歌曲也吸引了在沙漠中与隆梅尔作战的英国军人。
Rommel put on his cap and got out of the car. 隆美尔戴上帽子,从车子里走了出来。
World War II: German forces, under General Erwin Rommel, reach the English Channel. 1940年的今天,二战期间:在欧文·隆美尔将军带领下的德军抵达英吉利海峡。
English illusionist Jasper Maskelyne is reported to created dummy submarines and fake tanks to distract Rommel's army during World War II. 据报道,英国幻术师杰仕伯马斯基林在第二次世界大战期间创建过虚拟的潜水艇和假坦克,以分散隆美尔军队的注意力。
Success in the Desert would have meant the destruction of Rommel's audacious force. 沙漠战事的得手,本来会意味着隆美尔的气焰嚣张的军队的毁灭。
In General Patton the commander of the newly formed US Third Army, the Americans had found a tank general with the dash and flair of Rommel in African. 在新成立的美国第三集团军司令巴顿将军身上,美国人找到了一个坦克将军,与非洲的隆美尔一样骁勇善战。
Next time rommel's on the loose. 松了项圈的隆美尔了。
It was mid-August and the subject for discussion was the future of Rommel and his Africa Corps. 时值八月中旬,他们讨论的主题是隆美尔及其非洲集团军的前途。
It was mid-August and the subject for discussion was the future of Rommel and his Afirca corps. 8月中旬,讨论的主题隆美尔和他的非洲军队的下场。
Three is favorite during world war ii," the general is desert fox Erwin rommel," swept the north Africa battlefield tactics of giant, attitudinal blood! 三是最喜欢的二战期间的将领就是隆美尔,“沙漠之狐”,横扫整个北非战场,铁血霸气的战术巨人!
And this, though denied success, brought Rommel to a standstill for nearly five months. 这次虽然未获成功,却使隆美尔裹足不前近五个月之久。
Rommel and his junior officers were openly contemptuous of the Americans 'ability to fight. 隆美尔和他手下的军官公开地蔑视美国人的战斗能力。
What monuments now stand to Rommel? There is a bare wooden cross above the grave that holds his ashes. 应该给隆美尔树立什么样的纪念碑呢?埋葬着他骨灰的坟墓上竖立着一具孤零零的十字架;
Rommel observed, he was becoming increasingly stooped. 隆美尔注意到他的腰比以前更弯了。
It will be the beginning of a campaign which will hit Rommel and his Army for six right out of Africa. 这将是一个战役的开端,要把隆美尔和他的集团军打得落花流水,滚出非洲。