With Schmidt and Rosenberg gone, it will be a good time for Larry Page to make an appearance and set the direction for the company, at least in the eyes of investors. 随着施密特和罗森博格离开,这是拉里•佩奇亮相并设定公司方向的绝佳时机,至少在投资者眼中是这样。
Gluskin Sheff economist David Rosenberg believes it did. 独立投资公司GluskinSheff的经济学家大卫•罗森博格相信确有其事。
Look no further than Wall Street, where speculative bets on rising oil prices via futures and options amount to the equivalent of 323 million barrels& four times what Gluskin Sheff economist David Rosenberg calls a normal level. 看看华尔街就知道了,那里通过期货和期权赌油价上涨的投机头寸已达到3.23亿桶当量&是GluskinSheff经济学家戴维•罗森博格认为的正常值的4倍。
Rosenberg noticed that his colleagues in the recruiting field were experiencing this too. 罗森堡注意到他在招聘领域的同事也有这样的奇怪经历。
His plans to help write a book with former CEO Eric Schmidt on Google management shows that Rosenberg was clearly aligned with the former CEO. 罗森博格计划帮助前首席执行官施密特撰写一本关于谷歌管理的书,说明他与这位前首席执行官站在同一阵营里。
Day two: product chief Jonathan Rosenberg was shown the door after almost a decade with the company. 上任第二天:在谷歌任职近10年的产品管理高级副总裁乔纳森•罗森博格被赶出门。
Of course, Rosenberg has said this before. 当然,罗森博格之前也有过类似论断。
The worse things get, the more accurate David Rosenberg looks. 形势越糟糕,戴维•罗森博格的预测似乎就越准确。
Rosenberg quotes famed anthropologist Margaret Mead: Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Rosenberg引用著名人类学家MargaretMead的一句话:一个虑事周全,全力以赴的小团体是不可小觑的,他们也许能改变世界。
As Pulitzer Prize winner Tina Rosenberg recently wrote in the New York Times, online education is highly controversial. But the flipped classroom is a strategy that nearly everyone agrees on. 正如普利策奖得主蒂娜-罗森堡最近在纽约时报中所言,在线教育含有极大的争议性,但翻转课堂是大家都赞同的策略。
State the answer and dont ask more questions, Rosenberg says. 说出答案,不要问多余的问题,Rosenberg说。
This is my corollary to the Ben Franklin wisdom that Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead, Rosenberg says. 这是我从BenFranklin那里学来的智慧如果三个人中的两个已经死了,保守秘密就不难了。
Listening makes you more humble, more intuitive and smarter, Rosenberg says. 倾听让你变得更谦卑,更有直觉,更聪明。
Its a Russian proverb, Rosenberg uses to remind himself to fact find for himself. 这是一则俄罗斯谚语,Rosenberg用它来提醒自己要不断挖掘事实。
Mr. Rosenberg said the roadshow for these projects included an M.C., trivia games and prizes. 罗森伯格说,为这些项目所做的巡回宣传中也包括主持人互动小游戏和奖品。
But Jeffrey Rosenberg, chief investment strategist for fixed income at BlackRock Inc., which manages$ 4.1 trillion in assets, is skeptical about the economy's ability to withstand much higher interest rates. 但是贝莱德(BlackRockInc.,BLK)固定收益首席投资策略师罗森博格(JeffreyRosenberg)对经济承受利率大幅上升的能力表示怀疑;该公司管理着4.1万亿美元的资产。
The No. 1 thing that you look for is passion, says Jonathan Rosenberg, who wrote the best-selling How Google Works with Google chairman Eric Schmidt. 乔纳森o罗森伯格曾经与谷歌董事长埃里克o施密特合作撰写了畅销书《谷歌如何运作》(HowGoogleWorks)。他表示:你首先要寻找的就是激情。
In September, Dr. Rosenberg was reprimanded by the Rhode Island Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline for prescribing Subsys to patients without cancer pain and failing to properly document the reasons. 9月,罗德岛医疗许可与纪律委员会(RhodeIslandBoardofMedicalLicensureandDiscipline)谴责称,罗森伯格为没有受癌痛困扰的病人开Subsys,而且没有正确地记录原因。
'The volume of air packages in the UPS system did exceed capacity as demand was much greater than our forecast,' spokeswoman Susan Rosenberg said in response to questions. UPS发言人罗森堡(SusanRosenberg)在回答问题时说,UPS系统的空运包裹数量确实超出了承受能力,需求量远远超出我们的预期。
Rosenberg, the muddled party "philosopher," whom the events which had brought him to this place appeared to have awakened to reality at last. 那位头脑糊涂的纳粹“哲学家”罗森堡,看来终于对现实有所醒悟了,这是把他带到这个地方来的客观事件的功劳。
However, as Mr Rosenberg also notes, one striking difference between now and 2002 is that it is financial companies not, say, manufacturers that face a funding squeeze. 然而,就像罗森伯格同时指出的那样,现在和2002年的一个显著区别在于,这次面临融资紧缩的是金融公司,而非制造商。
As David Rosenberg, the economist, points out: We have managed to recoup a mere 12 per cent of the aggregate decline in unemployment despite the most stimulative fiscal and monetary policy in the history of America. 正如经济学家戴维罗森伯格(DavidRosenberg)指出的:尽管我们出台了美国有史以来刺激力度最大的财政与货币政策,但我们仅将总体失业率拉低了12%。
"I all but insist that we pull out all the stops and pursue him like wolves," senior vice president Jonathan Rosenberg wrote to his fellow executives. “我强调一定要全力以赴,如狼似虎的将他拉拢过来。”高级副总裁乔纳森·罗森伯格在写给他同事的邮件中说道。
"They destroy the forest forever," Rosenberg complains, pointing to a hole in one of his plantation'sbarbed-wire fences. “他们永久毁坏了森林。”罗森伯格指着他的种植园的一段带刺铁丝网围墙上的洞报怨。
After Rosenberg's goal the German record champions squandered several more opportunities, Hasan Salihamidzic ( 71) and Lukas Podolski ( 79) both missing good chances. 在罗森博格的进球后,德甲卫冕冠军浪费了更多的机会。萨利哈米季奇(第71分钟)和波多尔斯基(第79分钟)双双错过绝好机会。
Jeff rosenberg's son got engaged yesterday. 昨天杰弗罗森博格的儿子订婚了。
"There's been a lot of hype about gene therapy for many years, hoping that by genetically manipulating cells we can do good things," rosenberg said. “许多年来,已经有了很多注射疗法和基因疗法,希望这种操纵基因的方法我们能够做到更好。”罗森伯格说。
I'll hold them,@ sam rosenberg, charley's lieutenant, said politely. “我来拿着吧,”查利的助理山姆?罗森伯格说,颇有礼貌。
Two brothers who allegedly hired a hit man to kill Rodrigo Rosenberg, a lawyer in Guatemala, handed themselves in to authorities. 危地马拉两兄弟向当地机构投案自首,指称他们雇佣了一名职业杀手,谋杀该国的律师罗德里戈•罗森伯格。
One of my favorite empathy resources is Nonviolent Communication, a book by Marshall Rosenberg. 其中我最喜欢的题材资源,是非暴力沟通,一本书由马歇尔罗森伯格。