To understand why these memories seem reassuring, Clay Routledge of North Dakota State University and other psychologists conducted a series of experiments with English, Dutch and American adults. 为了了解记忆令人欣慰的原因,北达科他州州立大学(NorthDakotaStateUniversity)的克雷·罗德里奇(ClayRoutledge)与其他心理学家在英国、荷兰与美国成人中进行了一系列实验。
Nostalgia serves a crucial existential function, Dr. Routledge says. It brings to mind cherished experiences that assure us we are valued people who have meaningful lives. 怀旧对于存在感至为关键,斯蒂基特博士说,它唤起了珍贵的记忆,让我们相信个人的价值,觉得我们拥有有意义的生活。
And while they were not able to improve on the accuracy of those polls, the work did show that Twitter could provide a cheaper, quicker alternative, says Routledge. 虽然,他们不能够改善那些民意调查的精准度,但是他们的工作显示出微博客是一个价廉且快捷的信息预测选择。Routledgr说道。
Dialight Lumidrives'managing director Gordon Routledge studied electrical and electronic engineering at the University of Manchester Institute of Science& Technology ( UMIST), graduating in1996. DialightLumidrives公司总经理曾在曼彻斯特大学科技学院学习电气和电子工程,1996年毕业。