He's crossed the Rubicon with regard to the use of military force as an option. 他已经下定决心使用武力。
I began to steady the palsy of my nerves and to feel that the Rubicon was crossed. 我开始镇定下来,觉得大势已定。
Does this mean the liberty will forego its Rubicon rating and become just another crossover? 不知道这究竟意味着自由客将放弃强悍的越野能力,乖乖地变身成另一台跨界车?
Thus, 'Caesar was born at Rome in such and such a year waged war in Gaul for ten years, crossed the Rubicon, etc.', are propositions, but not judgments. 譬如,凯撒某年生于罗马,在高卢地区进行了十年战争,渡过了鲁比康河等等只能算是命题,而非判断。
The real Rubicon there is the self-driving car. 真正的分水岭是自动驾驶汽车。
A group of mostly US biologists has called for a moratorium, noting that modifications to the human germ line ( changes that would be passed down generations) constituted a Rubicon not to be crossed lightly. 以美国生物学家为主的一组科学家呼吁中止研究,指出对人类生殖细胞系的修改(这种修改会代代相传)是一条不可轻率跨过的界线。
There was a panic in the shop when a fire started. The word was carried a second time to the city: "Caesar has crossed the Rubicon," and the wild flight began. 商店里失火时一片慌乱。消息再次传到罗马:恺撒越过卢比孔河了。于是大家仓惶出逃,一片慌乱。
He felt that the Rubicon was passed; and that the trial, no longer to be shirked, must be firmly sustained. 他觉得大势所趋,既然这审判再无法逃避,那就必须坚定地挺下去。
The Rubicon once crossed, they set to work with a will. 事已定局,他们就起劲地干了起来。
The rubicon separates her form death is comedy. 横在拍肩侠和死亡之间的是各色喜剧。
He got loads of debt, he got old, he got weak, there's no turning back here, he has cross his rubicon. 他有一大堆债务,他年老体衰,这里没有回旋的余地,是他跨越了界限。
We have crossed the rubicon, he cried as he reached the farther shore. "there is now no turning back." “我们已经越过卢比孔河了,”他到达河的对岸时喊道,“现在只有前进,决不后退。”
The Obama administration has finally crossed the executive-pay Rubicon and declared war on Wall Street. 奥巴马政府终于在高管薪资问题上破釜沉舟,向华尔街宣战。
Their entry into the war made them cross the Rubicon and abandon isolationism forever. 他们的参战使他们破釜沉舟永远弃绝孤立主义。
On foot, on horseback, in litters, in carriages, they fled for their lives-all because Caesar had crossed the Rubicon. 他们或徒步,或骑马,或坐轿子,或乘马车,纷纷逃命&只因为恺撒越过了卢比孔河。