'Hey, I don't know what you're talking about,' Russo objected. “喂,我不知道你在说些什么,”拉索反驳道。
Generally, all the investors, which also included David winters of the wintergreen fund and Tom Russo of Gardner Russo& Gardner, thought there was more opportunity in large capitalization stocks, than smaller or technology companies. 总的来说,包括冬青基金(WintergreenFund)经理戴维•温特斯和来自GardnerRusso&Gardner公司的汤姆•罗素在内,所有与会投资者都认为大盘股的机会更大,好过小盘股或科技股。
One example of a mind well wasted is that of my friend Richard Russo. 完全浪费头脑的一个例子就是我的朋友理查德·罗索(RichardRusso)。
Continued expansion of the middle-class population is raising the number of potential buyers and foreign brands are building out their distribution networks in lower tier cities, Mr Russo said. 中产阶层的不断扩大增加了潜在买家的数量,外资品牌正在级别较低的城市扩建自己的经销网络,罗威表示。
He took no joy in murdering Peter Russo or Zoe Barnes. 他在杀死皮特·罗素和佐伊·巴恩斯的时候并不享受。
"Sure there are many engineers in China," says Bill Russo, of Synergistics auto consultancy in Beijing, former head of Chrysler in China. 驻上海汽车咨询顾问张君毅表示,中国尤其缺乏具备管理其他工程师经验的工程师。
We're no longer in this freefall that we were in the fourth quarter of 2008, said James Russo, vice-president of global consumer insights at Nielsen. 尼尔森全球消费者研究副总裁詹姆斯罗素(JamesRusso)表示:我们不再是2008年第四季度的自由落体状态。
We talked to Russo yesterday. 我们昨天和russo谈过。
Bill Russo, head of Synergistics, a Beijing auto consultancy, said: "going public before doing the political engineering is generally not a pathway to success in China." 北京汽车咨询公司synergistics总裁罗威(billrusso)表示:“在中国,在进行政治运作之前公布计划,一般不是成功之路。”
It was simply never realistic for a fledgling auto industry to skip conventional hybrids and immediately electrify, said Bill Russo of Synergistics auto consultancy in Beijing, who previously ran Chrysler in China. 一个稚嫩的汽车业跳过常规的混合动力车、一下子实现电气化的构想从来就是不现实的,北京汽车咨询公司Synergistics总裁、曾执掌克莱斯勒(Chrysler)中国业务的罗威(BillRusso)表示。
This is a very small share of the overall market today, says Mr Russo. 这在当今的整体市场中只占很小份额,罗威表示。
He has had labs for 17 years, since Anna Dello Russo, the Italian fashion editor and blogging celebrity, gave him one as a Christmas present. 自从意大利时尚主编与博客大名人安娜戴洛罗素(AnnaDelloRusso)把一只拉布拉多犬作为圣诞礼物送给他后,他养了这些狗已有17年了。
Great Wall "aims before they fire the gun", says Bill Russo, head of auto consultancy Synergistics and former head of Chrysler in China. synergistics汽车咨询公司总裁、克莱斯勒(chrysler)前中国区总裁比尔拉索(billrusso)表示,长城“瞄准后才会开枪”。
Consumers are thinking more about the nature of their consumption, Mr Russo said. 消费者正更多的考虑消费的性质,罗素表示。
Chinese car companies must first convince Chinese consumers of the quality of Chinese-branded cars before they can expect wide acceptance in overseas markets, says Bill Russo, head of Synergistics car consultancy in Beijing and former head of Chrysler in China. 中国汽车公司首先必须让中国消费者相信中国品牌汽车的质量,才能指望在海外市场获得广泛接受。原克莱斯勒(Chrysler)中国区主管、北京Synergistics汽车咨询公司总裁比尔拉索(BillRusso)表示。
Bill Russo of Synergistics, the consultancy, says: It took the Japanese decades, it took the Koreans a decade, it probably will take the Chinese less. 咨询公司Synergistics的罗威(BillRusso)表示:日本人用了几十年的时间,韩国人用了10年,中国人需要的时间可能更短。
I saw Russo's lips begin to move. 我看见拉苏的嘴唇抽动起来。
Is close this Russo case. 就是了结鲁索的案子。
With a rapidly expanding high-speed rail network, it remains to be seen whether people will rent cars or take trains instead, says Mr Russo. 拉索表示,随着高铁网络的快速扩展,人们是愿意租车还是乘坐火车,还须拭目以待。
James Russo, vice-president of marketing at Nielsen, said these patterns of behaviour were likely to intensify as consumer confidence declined. 尼尔森营销业务副总裁詹姆斯罗素(jamesrusso)表示,随着消费者信心下降,此类行为模式可能会进一步加强。
The entire Russo family are natives of New Jersey except the grandparents, who were born in Italy. 拉索家的全体成员,除祖父母生于意大利外,都生于新泽西。
Right now there are 80m cars on the road in China, says Mr Russo. 拉索表示:目前中国在道路上行驶的汽车有8000万辆。
Russo-American Relationship after Iraq War 伊拉克战后的俄美关系
Analysis and Exploration on Russia's Fighting Program Before the Russo-Japanese War 日俄战争前俄国作战计划探析
The parameters of Gardner_Russo model for describing the soil retention curves are obtained based on the movement rules of horizontal one_dimensional soil water infiltration. 本文基于水平一维非饱和土壤水分运动规律,推求了GardnerRusso持水曲线模型参数,获得了水平一维非饱和土壤水分运动中累积入渗量、入渗率、湿润峰、入渗时间之间的理论关系。