Method: The eye axis length of 729 eyes was examined by A and B ultrasonic scan at the same time, and was brought into the formula of S.R. K ⅱ to count the degrees of intraocular lens. 方法:应用A/B超测量了729眼眼轴长度,并分别代入SRKⅡ公式,计算人工晶体(IOL)度数。
In 1999, S.R. Marder successfully induced two-photon photopolymerization using the new TPA materials with D-π-D type. The technique can be used to fabricate photonic crystal, which attracts a broad attention. 自从1999年S.R.Marder等人利用合成的D-π-D结构的双光子材料做引发剂成功的引发聚合反应以来,由于其在光子晶体制备领域中的应用前景,双光子聚合微加工已经引起广泛关注。
In the new electric performer, we used a Switched Reluctance Motor as servomotor. The S.R. M has many advantages itself, such as large outputting torque, high locational precision, non follow-up and self-braking and so on. 新型电动执行器的伺服电机采用开关型磁阻电机(SwitchedReluctancemotor,简称SR电动机),SR电动机具有输出力矩大、定位精度高、无惰走和自刹车等特点。