The Java SE SDK provides APIs to make much of this expectation a reality. JavaSESDK提供了使这一期待的大部分成为现实的API。
First, let's start with some background information on the iPhone SDK and Google App Engine. 首先,让我们先来看看有关iphonesdk和GoogleAppEngine的背景信息。
The SDK requires that you also have a Java ™ Development Kit ( JDK) installed; I used JDK1.6.0_17 for this article. SDK还要求您安装一个Java™开发包(JDK);本文中使用了JDK1.6.017。
The demo application requires that you install the GWT SDK on your system. 演示的应用程序要求必须在系统上安装GWTSDK。
Now you are ready to configure the Client SDK. 现在您已经为配置ClientSDK而准备就绪了。
As with the JRE, copying the JDK or SDK to a different location is not supported. 和处理JRE一样,将JDK或SDK复制到不同的位置也是不受支持的。
Download and install the Android SDK Platform, which provides tools for developing Android applications. 下载并安装AndroidSDKPlatform,它提供用于开发Android应用程序的工具。
If you are using the platform SDK, point to its include and lib directories. 如果您使用的是SDK平台,则指向SDK的include和lib目录。
If you have the2.81 SDK already installed, it is best to uninstall it first. 如果您已经安装了2.81SDK,那么最好先卸载它。
You can switch between Java SDK 1.6 and Java SDK 1.7, if desired. 如果需要,可以在JavaSDK1.6和JavaSDK1.7之间切换。
Install the Android SDK and build a simple application. 安装AndroidSDK,并构建一个简单的应用程序。
Native applications are those created with a platform's SDK, then compiled and installed to a device. 本机应用程序指的是那些用某个平台的SDK构建、然后再编译和安装到某个设备上的应用程序。
I chose to use the SDK from AOL because I am using that service. 我选择使用AOL的SDK,因为我正在使用那个服务。
Download and install the Flex SDK now. 现在马上下载和安装FlexSDK。
RJB requires that you have a Java SDK installed on your system. RJB要求系统上安装有JavaSDK。
As a production engine, Bullet includes a rich API and SDK. 作为一个产品引擎,Bullet包括了一个富API和SDK。
The IBM Tivoli Directory Server SDK kit includes several command line utilities for manipulating the Directory Server and Database. IBMTivoliDirectoryServerSDK工具包包括几个用于操作目录服务器和数据库的命令行实用工具。
You can download the SDK from the destination page of that link. 您可以从该链接的目标页面下载SDK。
The installer will launch so you can install the SDK. 包装程序包启动,这样您就可以安装SDK了。
However, the Android SDK does add some convenience features on top of SAX. 但是,AndroidSDK确实在SAX上添加了一些便捷的特性。
This technique is used in the Windows software development kit ( SDK), for example. 例如,在Windows软件开发包(SDK)中就使用了这种技术。
The primary RIA development tool for desktop and web applications is the open source Flex SDK. 开发桌面和web应用的主要RIA工具就是开源的FlexSDK。
I have written a working application that uses both the SDK and the plug-ins. 我已经写了工作的应用程序同时使用的SDK和插件。
The SDK contains documentation and samples. 此sdk包含文档和示例。
Once the SDK is installed, you can start the eclipse workbench. 在安装好sdk之后,就可以启动eclipse工作台了。
SDK content and tools updated. 更新了SDK的内容和工具。
Install location for SDK and documentation. sdk和文档的安装位置。
On the Microsoft side, we find an preview release of the Microsoft SDK for Open XML Formats. 在微软这边,我们发现了一个针对OpenXML格式的微软SDK预览版本。