标准通用置标语言 Standard Generalized Mark-up Language (a system used for marking text on a computer so that the text can be read on a different computer system or displayed in different forms)
标准通用标示语言(一种计算机语言) SGML is a computer language for creating files using a system of codes. SGML is an abbreviation for (缩略=) 'standard generalized mark-up language'.
Writers and technicians routinely produce voluminous product specifications, regulatory requirements, and computer system documentation in SGML ( Standard Generalized Markup Language) format. 作家和技术人员例行公事般地创作出以SGML(标准通用标记语言)格式表示的大量产品说明书、规章需求和计算机系统文档。
One of the intentions of SGML was to distinguish textual content from its presentation by embedding the textual content in machine-readable tags. SGML的意图之一是通过将文本内容嵌入到机器可读的标记中来区分文本内容及其表示。
SGML was created for organizing and tagging documents. SGML的创建是为了组织和标记文档。
In SGML lingo, an entity is an abstract representation of a resource or a file in a document. 在SGML的方言中,实体是资源或者文档文件的抽象表示。
XML is a subset of the Standard Generalized Markup Language ( SGML) and is designed to provide meta-information about the content of a given XML document. XML是StandardGeneralizedMarkupLanguage(SGML)的一个子集,被设计来提供关于某个给定XML文档的内容的元信息(meta-information)。
Entities can be SGML documents, DTDs, or so-called unparsed entities like binary data. 实体可以是SGML文档、DTD或者像二进制数据这种所谓的未解析实体。
So SGML defined a more abstract view of the file system, called entities. 因此SGML定义了一种更抽象的文件系统视图,称为实体。
At a first approximation then, XML documents should also be valid SGML documents. 在这样一种近似性的前提下,XML文档也应该是有效的SGML文档。
However, the designers of XML went out of their way to remove the tag reduction options in SGML. 而XML的设计者走了另外一条路,去掉了SGML中的标签缩减选项。
It is a subset of Standard Generalized Markup Language ( SGML); it offers a text-based means to apply and describe a tree-based structure to information. 它是标准通用标记语言(SGML)的一个子集,采用文本方式应用和描述信息的树状结构。
A direct transplant from SGML, the DTD is too limited for many applications. DTD直接移植自SGML,对很多应用程序来说功能太有限。
Hypertext Markup Language ( HTML), an SGML document type, also encloses content within meaningful tags. 超文本标记语言(HTML)是一种SGML文档类型,它也将内容包括在有意义的标记中。
XML is based on Standard Generalized Markup Language ( SGML), defined in ISO8879:1986 [ ISO Standard]. XML是基于StandardGeneralizedMarkupLanguage(标准通用标记语言,SGML)的,后者由ISO8879:1986[ISO标准]定义。
More modern markup languages, such as the Standard Generalized Markup Language ( SGML) and XML, popularized more abstract structural markup such as books, chapters, sections, and so on. 较现代的标记语言,例如StandardGeneralizedMarkupLanguage(SGML)和XML,则使像书、章、节等这类更为抽象的结构标记更易于为大众理解和接受。
In a technical sense, XML is a simplification and specialization of SGML. 从技术角度来说,XML是简化和特殊化的SGML。
Having a different cultural history from SGML, XML is undergoing its own process of tool development. 因为与SGML具有的文化历史背景不同,所以XML所经历的是其自身的工具开发过程。
Even when graphics were an issue, SGML was ultimately about text, text, text. 尽管图像是一个问题,但SGML最终围绕的主题还是文本。
Though the initial versions of the XML specification inherited DTDs from SGML, later versions of the specification introduced the use of schemas to define the structure of XML data. 尽管XML规范的最初版本从SGML中继承了DTD,但之后的版本则引入了Schema的概念以定义XML数据的结构。
SGML originally came out of IBM, but has had a lot of input from different companies. SGML最早出自IBM,但很多公司对它进行了大量补充。
Information processing Text and office systems Standard generalized markup language ( SGML) GB/T14814-1993信息处理文本和办公系统标准通用置标语言(SGML)
These institutions use the EAD DTD, and currently encode their archival finding aids using the Standard Generalized Markup Language ( SGML). 这些机构使用EADDTD,且目前使用标准概括标记语言(SGML)编码他们的档案检索工具。
The following sections introduce SGML constructs that are used in HTML. 下面我们介绍一下在HTML中被使用的SGML基础构件。
For more information about SGML's specification of line breaks, please consult the notes on line breaks in the appendix. 有关SGML规范中折行的更多信息,请参阅附录中关于折行的注释。
The tag language has been developed from older markup standards including GML and SGML. 标记语言是从旧的标记标准包括GML和SGML的基础上开发出来的。
It is useful to the applications based on SGML/ XML that the model and the answer of the key question. 文中讨论的模型与关键问题对基于XML的应用系统具有很好的参考价值。
This is good, because SGML is incredibly general, flexible and hard to understand. 这一点很有利,因为SGML非常通用、灵活但难以理解。
A set of tags and rules ( conforming to SGML) for using them in developing hypertext documents. (遵从SGML)的一套标记符和规则用以开发超文本文件。
XML is a drastically simplified subset of the W3C's Structured General Markup Language ( SGML). XML是W3C结构化通用标记语言(SGML)的一个大大简化了的子集。