You can see there are two pad templates: one for source ( src) and one for sink. 您可以看到,其中有两种单元模板:一种用于源(src),另一种用于接收器。
Save it in the src/ chronolog/ model folder of the UI project. 将它存储到UI项目的src/chronolog/model文件夹中。
This daemon can be started from the System Resource Controller ( SRC). 这个守护进程可以从系统资源控制器(SRC)进行启动。
Both are in the src/ directory. 这2个文件都在src/目录中。
Select the src folder that has been created in your project. 选择已经在您的项目中创建过的src文件夹。
This includes all the src files and Web application files. 里面包括了所有src文件和Web应用程序文件。
An RPT project is a Java project with separate source ( src) and bin folders. RPT项目是一种包含source(src)与bin文件夹的Java项目。
For simplicity of packaging, I copy the entire src directory into a new directory called WEB-INF/ classes. 为使包装更简洁,可以将整个src目录复制到一个称为WEB-INF/classes的新目录中,然后,从WEB-INF/classes删除所有Java源文件;
In this directory, create four additional directories: htdocs, protected, include, and src. 在此目录中,创建四个附加目录:htdocs、protected、include和src。
This object encapsulates the information known about the image: the src, the width, and the height. 该对象封装了图像信息:src、width和height。
Each servlet will appear under that src directory. 每个Servlet都将显示在该src目录下。
Start, stop, and list SRC process information. 启动、停止和列出SRC进程。
The src ( source) directory holds your XML documents as well as your images and other support files. src(源)目录保存着您的XML文档以及图像和其它支持文件。
IMPORTANT: Do not add the contents of src and bin folders to source control. 注意:不要将src与bin文件夹的内容加入源代码控制中。
After all the classes are implemented, you should have the following folders and files under the src folder for the project in Eclipse ( Figure 2). 实现了所有的类之后,在Eclipse中的项目的src文件夹中应该有以下文件夹和文件(图2)。
Src and dest are2D grids of pixels. src和dest是2D像素网格。
Inside this directory, create two more directories: bin and src. 在这个目录里,再创建两个目录:bin和src。
The solution is to set the src attribute and invoke the load method. 解决方法是设置src特性并调用load方法。
Every XML file in the src directory becomes an HTML page on the Web site. src目录中的每个XML文件都成为网站上的一个HTML页面。
In this example, our kernel source tree is at/ usr/ src/ linux-2.4.17. 在本示例中,内核源代码树位于/usr/src/linux-2.4.17。
By default, RPT places custom code in the src folder. 默认情况下,RPT将定制代码存到src文件夹中。
The project folder contains two folders called src and bin for your source and class files, respectively. 项目文件夹包含两个分别用于保存源代码文件和类文件的名为src和bin的文件夹。
I usually leave that as the src directory. 我通常保持其为src目录不变。
You can also start the trace using the System Resource Controller ( SRC). 您还可以使用系统资源控制器(SRC)来启动跟踪。
Copy the ZIP file to the src folder within the project's workspace and extract the contents. 将ZIP文件复制到项目工作区内的src文件夹中并提取出内容。
By default this is the src folder. 默认情况下为src文件夹。
The SRC component of experimentation was transformed to the equivalent steel component. 将实验之SRC构件转换为等效钢骨构件。
In this paper, development of strength and deformation of pumping concrete used in SRChigh-rise building is discussed firstly. 本文首先讨论了SRC超高层泵送混凝土强度和变形发展的基本规律。
Tentative study on the seismic performance and index for different performance level of SRC columns SRC柱抗震性能和抗震性态水平指标试验研究
Study and prospect of prestressed SRC girder transfer structure 预应力SRC梁式转换结构研究与展望