Network encryption can be achieved through SSL connections. 可以通过SSL连接实现网络加密。
You have completed the SSL configuration for HTTP Server. 您已经为HTTP服务器完成了SSL配置。
We also showed how to use SSL to set up bind and link security. 我们还展示了如何使用SSL建立绑定和链接安全性。
For the SSL security configuration, we use both server authentication and client authentication. 对于SSL安全配置,我们将使用服务器身份验证和客户端身份验证。
SSL was developed to address these problems of confidentiality and server authentication, and is now widely used. 开发SSL就是为了解决这些保密性和服务器身份验证问题的,它现已得到了广泛使用。
For both HTTP Proxy and SSL Proxy, type localhost, and set the port to8008. 对于HTTPProxy和SSLProxy,都输入localhost,并将端口设置为8008。
These fall into two categories: password authentication and Secure Sockets Layer ( SSL). 这些属性分成两类:口令认证和安全套接字层(SSL)。
Using SSL/ TLS to encrypt communications reduces this risk. 使用SSL/TLS进行通信加密可以减少这种风险。
Other SSL endpoints can be added between the client and gateway if appropriate. 必要时可以将其他SSL端点添加到客户端和网关之间。
You employ the encryption provided by TLS, the successor to SSL, to resolve this problem. 我们将采用TLS所提供的加密机制(SSL的后继者)来解决这个问题。
The BIG-IP LTM proxy server handled the caching, GZIP compression, and SSL encryption during these tests. 在测试过程中,BIG-IPLTM代理服务器负责处理缓存、GZIP压缩和SSL加密。
Support for custom JSSE trust and key managers enables more control of the SSL handshake. 支持自定义JSSE信任和密钥管理器,从而允许对SSL握手进行更多的控制。
Use SSL between the sending and the target server to ensure secure communication. 在发送和目标服务器之间使用SSL,以确保通信的安全。
This basically means that the SSL handshake failed. 这基本上意味着SSL握手失败了。
When SSL is enabled, data exchanged between the client and the LDAP registry is encrypted. 启用SSL时,客户端和LDAP注册表之间交换的数据是加密的。
Provides support for SSL and HTTP proxies. 为SSL和HTTP代理提供支持。
If you're familiar with data cryptography and SSL, you can skip this section. 如果您熟悉数据加密和SSL的知识,就可以跳过本节。
The article introduces SSL, and discusses key SSL concepts such as digital certificates and cipherspecs. 本文引入了SSL,并且讨论了关键的SSL概念(如数字证书和密码规范)。
SSL provides confidentiality and sender/ recipient authentication. SSL提供了机密性和发送方/接收方身份验证。
SSL ensures confidentiality and integrity of data transmission over the network. SSL可以确保在网络上传输的数据的秘密性和完整性。
The SSL and TLS protocols have become the de facto standard for securing network communications. SSL和TLS协议已经成为保护网络通信安全的实际标准。
The SSL and TLS protocols define the rules SSL clients and servers use to communicate with each other. SSL和TLS协议定义SSL客户端和服务器用于彼此间通信的规则。
We also provided an example of how to secure the communication between client and STS using SSL. 我们还提供了一个示例,展示如何使用SSL保护客户端和STS之间的通信。
JSSE delivers a Java implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols supporting data integrity and privacy. JSSE提供了SSL和TSL协议的Java实现以支持数据完整性和私密性。
SSL is a protocol that encrypts network communication to and from an end user and a Web server. SSL是一种协议,该协议会对终端用户和Web服务器间的网络通信进行加密。
SSL has received an error from the server indicating an incorrect Message Authentication Code. SSL从服务器接收到一个错误,其中指出了一个不正确的“消息验证代码”。
SSL encryption, and also supports the SFTP agreement so that you can better safeguard data transmission. 还支持SSL和SFTP加密协议,让你的数据传输多一层保障。
The authentication process uses the specified certificate collection and SSL protocol. 身份验证过程使用指定的证书集合和ssl协议。
All communications with our service is SSL encrypted and our initial authentication will be using SQL Authentication. 与我们服务进行的所有通信都经过了SSL加密,初始的身份认证将使用SQL身份认证。
Not all servers have SSL certificate configured. 并非所有服务器都配置了ssl证书。