Over the years, an agricultural adviser named Tony rinaudo has helped people in the Sahel learn about the value and care of trees. 多年来,一位名叫托尼里纳乌多(tonyrinaudo)的农业顾问帮助萨赫勒地区人们了解树木的价值和养护。
Niger is located in the Sahel desert south of the Sahara. 尼日尔位于撒哈拉以南的萨赫勒地区。
In the Sahel, the United States supports the distribution of food and water to the insecure, vulnerable and displaced as a result of regional drought and the crisis in Northern Mali. 在撒赫勒,由于地区性的干旱和北马里的危机,美国施以援手,给缺乏安全、身单力薄和流离失所的群体分发食物和水。
So earlier this year I asked my national security team to develop a plan for a network of partnerships from South Asia to the Sahel. 因此在今年早些时候,我让国家安全事务部门就南亚和萨赫勒地区的合作伙伴关系网制定了一个计划。
In 2012, China granted food aid to affected countries in the Sahel region of Africa. 2012年,中国向萨赫勒地区有关国家提供了粮食援助。
Refugees have flooded the Sahel region, which is suffering from drought and pervasive poverty. 难民如潮水般涌入本已备受干旱和贫穷困扰的萨赫勒地区。
We express our deep concern with instability stretching from North Africa, in particular the Sahel, and the Gulf of Guinea. 我们深为关注北非特别是萨赫勒地区以及几内亚湾的不稳定局势。
The statement said foreign companies exploiting the natural resources of the Sahel are legitimate targets of Muslim freedom fighters. 这项声明说,盗取萨赫勒地区天然资源的外国公司,理所当然地成为穆斯林自由战士的攻击目标。
The dry plains of the Sahel are mostly treeless. 干燥的荒漠草原几乎寸草不生。
We should also not forget in many of the world's countries drought, chronic water shortage, is a fact of life, especially in the African Sahel region bordering the Sahara desert. 我们还不应该忘记,在世界上许多国家,尤其是比邻撒哈拉沙漠的非洲萨赫尔地区,旷日持久的干旱缺水是必须面对的现实。
Sahel in West Africa is the most serious desertified zone in the world. 西非萨赫勒地带是世界上最严重的荒漠化地区。
Sahel and Sahara States Grouping 萨赫勒和撒哈拉国家集团
The dramatic decline in rainfall over the Sahel a horizontal sub-Saharan strip that stretches from Senegal to Eritrea during the 1970s and 1980s has been commonly ascribed to overgrazing. 萨赫勒地区上世纪70年代和80年代降雨量急剧下降,被普遍认为是过度放牧的结果。
Igoss; integrated grasslands management training programme in the sahel; 萨赫勒地区草地综合管理培训方案;
United Nations Training Course on Monitoring Natural and Renewable Energy Resources and the Environment in the Sahel Region 联合国监测萨赫勒区域天然能源与可再生能源及环境训练班
The harvests in the Sahel region of West Africa have been severely damaged. 蝗灾使西非撒黑尔地区的收成遭受了严重的打击。
This study addresses the lack of demographic data on mobile pastoral communities in the Sahel. 本研究解决萨赫勒流动牧民社区中人口数据缺乏的问题。
Inter-state Committee on drought control in the sahel; 萨赫勒旱灾控制国家间委员会;
Nor can their models agree on whether the Sahel will be wetter or drier in the future& a worrying gap, given that its weather systems affect the entire planet. 气候学家的各种模型对于荒漠草原地区在未来是否会变得更湿润或者更干燥也没有达成一致&由于西非荒漠草原的天气系统会影响到整个地球,这是气候研究一个令人担忧的缺口。
Millions of people in Africa's Sahel region depend on the West African monsoon to irrigate their agricultural land, but climatologists are unable to say with much accuracy when the rains will come. 西非荒漠草原地区数以百万计的人依赖于西非季风带来降雨灌溉他们的农田,但是气候学家对于预测降雨何时到来并没有太大的把握。
Convention establishing a permanent inter-state drought control committee for the sahel; 设立萨赫勒国际抗旱常设委员会公约;
The Sahel is the area of Africa that lies between the Sahara desert to the north and more fertile land to the south. 荒漠草原是在撒哈拉沙漠和北方及南富饶之地的非洲地域。
The sehell Sahel is the area of Africa that lines lies between the sehelre Sahara desert to the north and more fortal fertile land to the south. 植树活动早就了绿色的尼日尔荒漠草原是非洲的一个地区,它北接撒哈拉沙漠,南边却是更加肥沃的土地。
In Africa, Central Africa, the Horn of Africa and the Sahel are at risk, while Afghanistan, the Caspian region, India, Iran and Pakistan are marked in Central and South Asia. 在非洲,中非、非洲之角和西非荒漠草原面临着风险,而阿富汗、里海地区、印度、伊朗和巴基斯坦是中南亚面临风险的地区。
Living for more than a year with these nomads of Africa's Sahel region, Beckwith earned their trust and captured an extraordinarily intimate chronicle of their lives. 与这些西非荒漠上的游牧民共同生活了一年多以后,贝克维斯赢得了她们的信任并获取了关于他们生活的格外详细的记录。
For example: Japanese encephalitis, epidemic meningitis in the Sahel, even sustaining delivery of old vaccines like yellow fever. 例如,萨赫勒地区流行性脑炎和流行性脑膜炎,甚至是黄热病等老疫苗的持续供应。
But Jackson points out that tree plantations have also benefited regions such as Africa's Sahel, where trees can improve water quality. 但是Jackson制出,植树造林也会造福一些地区,例如非洲的荒漠草原,在那里,树木可以改善水的质量。
The Sahel would be turned into a desert by the soaring population of West Africa. 由于西非人口激增,萨赫勒地区将可能变成沙漠。
Yet in Niger, one of the nations along the Sahel, millions of trees are now growing. 但在尼日尔,一个沿着荒漠草原的国家,无数的树木正在成长。