Magistrates ordered his dog Samson to be put down immediately 治安官们勒令立即将他的狗萨姆森杀掉。
And he went down, and talked with the woman; and she pleased Samson well. 参孙下去与女子说话,就喜悦她。
God gave Samson a wonderful beginning and many remarkable blessings. 但神给予参孙一个美好的童年和特殊的祝福。
We don't know how Samson met Delilah. 我们不知道参孙怎样认识大利拉。
But samson's wife was given to the friend who had been his best man. 参孙的妻便归了参孙的陪伴,就是作过他朋友的。
Samson was a strongman who let himself be led astray by a Jezebel like delilah. 参孙是个大力士。他让他自己被像大力拉的耶洗别带入歧途。
Samson's life was a riddle. 参孙的一生是一个难解的谜。
What is the major lesson for us from Samson's life? 我们从参孙身上学到甚麽重要的教训呢?
So too the stories of Moses and of Samson have Sumerian and Babylonian parallels. 同样,关于摩西和参孙的传说在苏美尔和巴比伦也有相似的版本。
Daisy is talking with Samson about Kelly williams, the female wrestler. 黛丝和山姆森正在讨论女摔跤手凯莉?威廉斯。
And the men of Judah said, why have you come up against us? And they said, we have come up to take samson, and to do to him as he has done to us. 犹大人说,你们为何上来攻击我们呢?他们说,我们上来是要捆绑参孙。他向我们怎样行,我们也要向他怎样行。
Samson slayed the Philistines with the axe of the apostles. 参孙用使徒的斧头杀死了非利士人。
And Samson said unto them, Swear unto me, that ye will not fall upon me yourselves. 」孙说:「们要向我起誓,应承你们自己不害死我。
Milton wrote his three major poetical works: Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, and Samson Agonistes. 他的三部伟大诗作:《失乐园》《复乐园》和《力士参孙》。
How many women were there in Samson's life? 在参孙一生?出现过多少个女性?
And Samson said, let me die with the philistines. 说,我情愿与非利士人同死。
Women are like samson and delilah are rolled into one. 女人就像是大力士参孙和迷惑他的妖妇黛丽拉的合体。
The main speech was delivered by Anne samson. 安妮萨姆森作了主要发言。
So Delilah took new ropes and bound him with them; and she said to him, the Philistines are upon you, samson! 大利拉就用新绳捆绑他,对他说,参孙哪,非利士人拿你来了!
She was so conscientious that Samson found things had worsened. 她非常小心谨慎,因此萨姆逊觉得,事情变得越来越糟了。
One persistent lady to find were Samson's strength was. 一个妇人三番五次去寻找参孙的长处。
Samson performed many powerful acts, including slaying a lion and moving the gates of Gaza. 参孙有过许多强有力的行为,比如杀死一头狮子和移动加萨之门。
The bomb did fantastic damage; Samson is supposed to have had fantastic strength; phenomenal feats of memory. 炸弹造成了极大的破坏;桑松被假定为力大无比的人;非凡的记忆力。
They were wrong of course but Samson's failure made them think that way. 这当然是谎话,但参孙的失败却使他们肯定自己的想法。
And Samson went down to gaza; and there he saw a harlot and went in unto her. 参孙到了迦萨,在那里看见一个妓女,就与她亲近。
That was Samson's modus operandi: he was always reacting. 这就是参孙的做法:他总是不停的对别人的做为做出回应。
But now he calls you samson. 但是现在他叫你samson。
Samson's final prayer is another illustration of God's forgiving grace ( vv. 28-30). 参孙最后的祷告,再一次证明神有无穷的赦罪之恩(28-30)。
Like a moth which cannot leave a light alone, Samson went back again and again to Delilah. 就像灯蛾扑火一样,他一次又一次地重投大利拉的怀抱。
(Old Testament) a judge of Israel who performed herculean feats of strength against the Philistines until he was betrayed to them by his mistress Delilah