Sandra Sergi Santos explains the advantages and ways to use them to optimize your investments, processes, and infrastructure. SandraSergiSantos介绍了使用私有云优化您的投资、流程和基础架构的优点和方式。
The winner of this year's Goldman Prize for Africa is Feliciano dos Santos in Mozambique. 今年非洲高曼环保奖的得主是来自莫桑比克的FelicianodosSantos。
Still, there's something to like about this squad thanks to sassy young attackers like Giovani Dos Santos, Carlos Vela and new Manchester United signee Javier Hernandez. 不过,对这支队伍还有什么要说的话,就是他们还拥有年青气盛的小将,如多斯桑托斯,卡洛斯维拉和与曼联新签的埃尔南德斯。
Clinton told reporters that President Dos Santos told her that his government is committed to completing a new constitution and holding presidential elections in a timely manner. 希拉里对记者说,多斯桑托斯总统向她表示,他的安哥拉致力于制定一部新宪法,并将尽早举行总统选举。
Agent bristow, agent santos, he's asking for you. 布里斯托,桑托斯,他想见你们。
A former trade union leader and regional governor, he was sworn into office by Colombia's new President Juan Manuel Santos on Saturday. 加尔松以前曾担任贸易联盟领袖和地方长官,周六由新任总统桑托斯任命副总统。
According to Dr santos, the cause of death was drowning. 据桑托斯医师判断,死亡的原因是溺毙。
And I'm pro-choice, same as santos. 但我支持自愿堕胎,与santos一样。
Brazil's central bank said it took over the operations of Banco Santos because of the bank's struggling financial situation. 巴西央行表示,已经接管了财务状况陷入困境的桑托斯银行的经营。
The risk is high because we are not facing only a national or country problem, said Fernando Teixeira dos Santos, referring to the chances that Lisbon will have to seek emergency support. 风险很高,因为我们所面对的不是一个国家的问题,费尔南多特谢拉多斯桑托斯(FernandoTeixeiradosSantos)表示。他指的是里斯本方面有可能不得不寻求紧急支持。
Sunday night is an uneasy time for systems analyst Tom Santos. 对系统分析师汤姆·桑托斯来说,星期天的晚上不太好过。
Garrincha, but my real name is manoel DOS santos. 加林查,但我的真名叫曼诺尔。多斯。桑托罗。
His real name is Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite, but he is known to the world by his catchy nickname: Kaka. 他的真名其实是里卡多•伊泽克森•多斯•桑托斯•雷特,但是他却有一个全世界都耳熟能详的昵称:卡卡。
Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos thanked the rescue workers, firefighters and police who helped passengers to safety as he visited the airport. 哥伦比亚总统胡安·曼努埃尔·桑托斯在视察机场时感谢援救人员,消防队员和帮助乘客脱险的警察。
Spanish restorers are testing this new technique on the frescoes of Antonio Palomino from the17th century in the Church of Santos Juanes in Valencia. 西班牙的艺术品修复者们正打算在瓦伦西亚桑托斯横斯一座教堂里,由17世纪安东尼奥帕罗米诺所创作的壁画上试验这项新技术。
I went to master-classes, and three people were really good: the first one was Turibio Santos, and he was great! 在我上过的大师班中,有三位大师的课程我认为是最好的:第一位是TuribioSantos,他的确非常伟大!
Santos is survived by his wife of49 years. 桑托斯的妻子比他多活了49年。
They sent Nilton Santos to pick me up for the training. 他们派尼尔顿。桑多斯来接我去训练。
Officials also said that Silveira discussed with Angolan Prime Minister Fernando DIAS DOS santos, the possibility of setting up air and sea links between their countries, among other matters. 西尔维拉与安总理费尔南多?迪亚斯?多斯桑托斯也讨论了两国之间建立航空和航海联系的可能性,以及其它问题。
Mr Santos declined to comment on the news. 桑托斯先生拒绝对这条新闻发表评论。
They were joined by a third trader, Pierre Falcone, a French Algerian who has long enjoyed close links with the Angolan elite and particularly the president. 此时,第三位贸易商,一位法裔阿尔及利亚人PierreFalcone加入进来。PierreFalcone长期与安哥拉的精英阶层,特别是总统JoséEduardodosSantos保持着良好的关系。
Angola's President Jose Eduardo dos Santos has called for a crackdown on government corruption. 安哥拉总统若泽·爱德华多·多斯桑托斯号召对政府腐败进行压制。
Santos will join Park Chu-Young in our new-look squad. 桑托斯将加入公园楚杨在我们的新面貌名单。
Juan Manuel Santos, a former defence minister, and two other close allies of Mr Uribe have been poised for weeks to declare their candidacies, but only if that does not mean competing with the boss. 前国防部部长胡安•曼努埃尔•桑托斯以及其他两位乌里韦先生的亲密盟友在过去的数周内跃跃欲试,都准备宣布参加竞选,但前提必须是他们不和自己的老板同台较量。
Borrell helped develop some of Barcelona's players of the past and present such as Lionel Messi, Gerard Pique, Cesc Fabregas, Bojan Krkic, Giovanni Dos Santos and Dani Pacheco ( now at Liverpool). 博雷尔帮助巴萨发展了一批像梅西、皮克、法布雷加斯、博扬、多斯桑托斯、帕切科这样的人物(现在利物浦)。
The new method has been tested on two lunettes of the vault in the Church of Santos Juanes and scientists expect to apply it on another two. 这个新方法已经在桑托斯横斯教堂中两个半月形拱顶上试验过,科学家们打算将这个方法也用在另外两个拱顶上。
Martinez was partners with Nadia santos. 马丁内斯是娜蒂娅桑托斯的拍档。
Baia de Todos os Santos, Brazil – enjoy the Bahia's typical dance and culture, and have a great time surfing on the beach! 拜亚代托多斯操作系统桑托斯,巴西-享受巴伊亚的典型舞蹈和文化,有很大的时间在沙滩上冲浪!
Now Santos looks set to follow – after all, he has his position as Brazil's first-choice left-back to protect. 现在桑托斯看起来将跟进-毕竟,他有他的位置,巴西的第一选择左后卫保护。
Santos and I are both pro-choice. 我和santos都支持堕胎权利。