Litchi is a plant of Litchi department of Sapindaceae, and originated from China. 荔枝是无患子科荔枝属植物,原产于中国。
Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge is a plant belonged to Sapindaceae, which is one of the peculiar woody fuel and medicinal plants in China. 文冠果(XanthocerassorbifoliaBunge)为无患子科(Sapindeceae)文冠果属植物,是我国特有的珍稀木本油料和药用植物。
The plant communities of plants constitute a park around the dominant families Rosaceae, Pinaceae, Sapindaceae, Salicaceae, Ulmaceae. 构成环城公园植物群落植物的优势科有蔷薇科、松科、无患子科、杨柳科、榆科等。
Sorbifolia ( Xanthocerras sorbifolia Bungge) belongs to Sapindaceae, the single species. 文冠果(XanthocerrassorbifoliaBungge)隶属于无患子科文冠果属,为单种属。