But representatives of the human species are responding as if someone had proposed adding Satanism to the grade-school Curriculum. 可是人类这个品种的一些成员对这项讯息的反应,就好像听到有人提议把撒旦崇拜列入小学课程一样。
But that doesn't mean that ritual Satanism is impossible. 但是那并不意味着恶魔崇拜仪式是不可能的。
These bands also often tend to adopt some of the thematic characteristics of that genre as well: evil, Satanism, and occultism are all common topics and images. 这类乐队也常倾向于采纳一些黑金属的题材特征:邪恶、撒旦崇拜和神秘主义都是常见的主题和形象。
Rowling, has proved a controversial figure in Russia where some Russian Orthodox priests have said the Harry Potter stories encourage satanism and undermine Christianity. 一些俄国东正教教士说哈里·波特的故事鼓吹对魔鬼的崇拜,并破坏了基督教信仰。
Some people have rejected faith in God entirely and devoted themselves to Satanism and the occult. 有些人已完全弃绝对上帝的信仰而全心投入撒但教派与其他神秘宗派。
They have a military order and get rewarded for their evil actions, which include Satanism, and symbols and yellow-orange-black colors. 他们有一个军令状,奖赏他们的邪恶行动,其中包括黄橙黑颜色的撒旦符号。
I became a high priest of satanism& and even let others drink my blood. I joined a white supremacist gang. 我成为撒但教的大祭司,甚至让人喝我的血,我又加入了崇尚种族歧视的白人党派。
Satanism is the first above-ground organization in history openly dedicated to the acceptance of Man's true nature. 勒维撒旦主义,是首个承认人类欲望本质的宗教思想的宗教组织。
Wicca or Witchcraft, Paganism, High Magic and other forms of Occultism are not Satanism. 巫术崇拜或魔法、异教信仰、高级魔术和其它形式的神秘学不是恶魔崇拜。