English tailoring has a long history in Japan, where one of the words for suit," sebiro," some say derives from Savile Row, a street in London known for its bespoke suitmakers. 英式裁剪在日本历史悠久,日语中sebiro(男士西服)这个词,就源自伦敦的SavileRow街(“高级绅士服街”),这条街道十分著名,街上的裁缝店专为达官贵人订做西服。
The allegations that the BBC may have tried to cover up claims of child abuse by the television presenter Jimmy Savile would be a serious matter for any broadcaster. 对任何广播公司来说,英国广播公司(bbc)最近面临的指控都是极其严重的问题该公司被指试图掩盖其电视主持人吉米萨维尔(jimmysavile)性侵儿童的说法。
In London, Savile Row tailor Richard James has noticed increased demand for silk over the past couple of years, particularly from bespoke customers. 在伦敦,萨维尔街(SavileRow)裁缝师理查德•詹姆斯(RichardJames)注意到真丝需求在过去几年呈上升趋势,尤以定制客户为甚。
London police now say the number of possible cases being investigated in connection with the late Sir Jimmy Savile has risen to 300. 目前伦敦警方表示与已故吉米萨维尔相关需要被调查的案件已经上升至300。
Fancy a bespoke suit from Savile Row? 你想要一套萨维尔街的定制西装?
In spite of such arguments, Mr Savile believes it will be some time before the public is persuaded of the benefits of corporate jets. 尽管有着上述理由,萨维尔认为,说服公众相信公司使用喷气式飞机的好处,需要一些时间。
And thus I found myself contacting ad hominem, a two-woman firm that purports to bring Savile row to your doorstep. 因此我联系了仅有两个女性员工的公司adhominem,该公司的宗旨是将萨维尔街服饰带到你的家门口。
Our British customers used to tell me that if I wanted to learn the trade properly, I must go to Savile Row. 我们的英国客户过去告诉我,如果我希望学习经营之道,应该去萨维尔街看看。
The Savile row company has introduced three different grey shirts. 萨维尔街公司(thesavilerowcompany)推出了三款不同的灰色衬衫。
The Savile case, in which the editor of the Newsnight programme apparently dropped the investigation without even watching the damning interview, is a haunting example of what can result. 萨维尔事件就是一个令人不安的例子。《新闻之夜》(Newsnight)节目的编辑显然看都没看足以定罪的采访视频就放弃了调查节目。
As Harold Tillman, chairman of the British Fashion Council, says, "the wedding is an ideal opportunity for the fashion industry to highlight the long-standing relationship between the royal family and our Savile row tailors". 英国时装协会主席哈罗德蒂尔曼(haroldtillman)说,“这场婚礼对于时装业来说是个难得的机遇,它可以进一步促进王室与萨佛街裁缝师之间业已存在的长期合作关系”。
Savile's platinum blonde hair, chunky jewellery and ever-present Cuban cigar made him one of the most widely recognised television celebrities in Britain. 淡黄金发、沉重的首饰和永远随身带的古巴雪茄,使他成为英国最受欢迎的电视名人。
Alexander McQueen was apprenticed to Savile Row. 亚历山大·麦昆在萨维尔街做过学徒;
He comes hither from Savile row. 他从塞维尔罗来这里。
Perhaps, says Patrick Grant, of Savile Row tailors Norton and Sons, this is why his City customers are turning to bow ties not as part of their on-duty outfits, but at the weekends. 萨维尔街裁缝店NortonandSons的帕特里克格兰特(PatrickGrant)表示,或许这就是他的金融城客户不把领结当作上班装备而当作周末用品的原因。
Savile Row excels at simple, understated style and enduring value, both of which I think are enormously relevant today. 萨维尔街擅长简单、低调的风格和持久的价值,这两点我认为目前都具有很大的现实意义。
Jimmy Savile was reported to have given away 90 per cent of his personal wealth. 报道称萨维尔捐出了90%的个人财富。
Richard Anderson of the eponymous Savile row firm detects the influence of the economy on the silhouette of suits. 理查德安德森(richardanderson)以自己的名字在萨维街开办了公司,他发现经济会影响到西服的整体轮廓。