What Schleiermacher called "the God-consciousness" is, so to say, an element in our own self consciousness. 施勒马克称之为“上帝感”的,可以说是每个人都具有的自觉的一个成分。
The place to begin is in the discipline of theology with Friedrich Schleiermacher who sought to apply a scientific method of interpretation to the biblical texts. 介绍的起点是施莱尔马赫的神学理论,他的目标是要为圣经文本寻找一种科学的解释方法。
The Historicity of Understanding in Hermeneutic Reading& Speaking from Schleiermacher and Hegel 理解历史性的诠释学解读&从施莱尔马赫与黑格尔说起