His repertoire encompassed everything from Bach to Schoenberg. 他能演奏从巴赫到勋伯格的所有作品。
Traditional Inheritance in New Music& Analysis of Schoenberg s Six Piano Pieces; 新音乐中的传统继承性&试析勋伯格《钢琴小品六首》
Schoenberg's early works were tonal, but his later works were atonal. 勋伯格的早期伤口是调性的,而他的后期作品是无调性的。
Eliot's Waste Land ( 1922); the Cubist paintings of Picasso and Braque; and the12-note music of Webern and Schoenberg. 爱略特的《荒原》(1922)、毕加索与巴罗克的立体派绘画以及韦伯恩与勋伯格的12音音乐等。
Neo-vienna group, represented by Schoenberg ended the era of the classical tonal music and started the free, atonal manner, the twelve pitches serial music, which later was called by other composers as integral serialism. 摘要以勋伯格为代表的新维也纳乐派使传统的调性音乐走到了尽头,开创了自由无调性音乐,十二音序列音乐,后来又被其他作曲家继续发展为整体序列音乐。
The Austrian Arnold Schoenberg invented a new method of composition. 奥地利作曲家阿诺德·舍恩伯格创造了一种新的作曲方法。
His most recent recording is the complete works for solo piano by Arnold Schoenberg for Arcana. 他最近的唱片是阿诺德·勋伯格为阿尔卡那创作的钢琴独奏全集。
John Cage who studied with Schoenberg in the1930s produced hundreds of prints, drawings and watercolors towards the end of his life. 30年代师从勋伯格的约翰·凯奇在晚年创作了数百张版画、手绘和水彩作品。
Schoenberg used atonality in the music of his middle period. 桑伯格在中期用无调性方式作曲。
Theme Center of Arnold Schoenberg's Early Atonality 勋伯格初期无调性音乐作品中的主题中心
Create a poem; schoenberg created twelve-tone music; picasso created cubism; auden made verses. 创作一首诗;创作一段音乐;创作一篇小说;创作一幅画。
Schoenberg was a progenitor of modern music. 勋伯格是一位现代音乐的先驱。
The Twelve-Tone Technique and Orchestration in Schoenberg's Variations for Orchestra(ⅰ) 勋伯格《乐队变奏曲》的十二音处理与配器技术(上)
Arnold Schoenberg's early works of atonality, because of the structural functioning of missing of "tonality", can only keep unity by dint of" strengthened theme coherence ". 勋伯格初期无调性音乐创作,由于已失去“调性”这一深层结构力作用,因此只能借助“强化的主题一致性”来保证作品的有机统一性。
On the background of history and culture, this essay deals with the esthetic significance of Schoenberg's expressionist music: first, the changing of the expressing content-expressing the true self and reflecting the miserable social voices; 本文从表现主义产生的历史文化背景出发,论述勋伯格表现主义音乐的美学意义:一、表现内容的改变&表现真实的自我,反映社会不幸的呼号;
The Serial technique Messiaen used were quite different from the Twelve Notes music that representative of Arnold Schoenberg, nor the same of Integral Serial by Karlheinz Stockhausen and he others. 梅西安的序列技法不同于以勋伯格为代表的十二音音乐,亦不同于施托克豪森等的整体序列音乐,文章用“多维准序列”加以界定并予以区别。
Schoenberg is not only an important composer in 20th century, but also left plenty of writings, including papers, letters, and speeches. 阿诺尔德·勋柏格不仅是一位二十世纪的重要作曲家,而且也留下了大量文字著述。
Schoenberg works effect is very wide, twelve pitches serial composing technique became the same period composer global-positioning try composing technique, some freshmen pie composer is in schoenberg twelve pitches serial develops on the basis of out of the other without the tonal composition techniques. 勋伯格的作品影响很广,十二音序列成了同时期作曲家竞相尝试的作曲技法,一些新生派作曲家更是在勋伯格十二音序列的基础上发展出了其他无调性的作曲方法。
Through concentrated study schoenberg established twelve pitches serial, finally solved the problem of the work force structure, kicking off now music creation of new era. 经过潜心的研究勋伯格建立了十二音序列,终于解决了作品中结构力的问题,拉开了现代音乐创作的新时代。
Expectation is the first opera works created by Arnold Schoenberg, a famous Austrian composer. It is also the first opera works that gives up the tonality and consonance thoroughly. 歌剧《期待》是奥地利作曲家勋伯格创作的第一部歌剧,也是史上第一部彻底放弃调性与协和的歌剧。
What is especially significant is that Schoenberg firstly referred to Brahms as a progressive in his radio lecture in honor of the centenary of Brahms 'birth. 其中尤其重要的是1933年勋伯格在纪念勃拉姆斯诞辰一百周年的电台讲座上首次指出勃拉姆斯是一位伟大的改革者。
Music brings us the schoenberg is not only composing technique innovation, but also for our composer emancipates the mind, the renewal idea provides a model, in order to promote the development of modern music world diversity to lay a solid foundation. 勋伯格的音乐带给我们的不仅仅是作曲技法上的创新,更是为我们的作曲家解放思想,更新观念提供了范例,为促进世界现代音乐发展的多样化打下了坚实的基础。