He surprised me with his intimate knowledge of Kierkegaard and Schopenhauer. 他对克尔恺郭尔与叔本华的深刻了解让我很吃惊。
His creed of determinism was such that it almost amounted to a vice, and quite amounted, on its negative side, to a renunciative philosophy which had cousinship with that of Schopenhauer and Leopardi. 他深深地信仰宿命论,以至于这种信仰都差不多成了一种毒害,在消极方面简直就和放弃哲学一样,和叔本华与雷奥巴狄的哲学同出一源。
Schopenhauer's philosophy is an example of extreme pessimism. 叔本华的哲学是一个例子,极端悲观。
Rhythm was described by Schopenhauer as melody deprived of its pitch ( Edith Sitwell). 韵律被叔本华描述为丧失了音调的乐曲(爱迪斯斯特韦尔)。
Schopenhauer has said that syphilitic sores were the most distinctive feature of modern European civilization. 叔本华早说近代欧洲文明的特点,第一是杨梅疮。
Which attracted me was Schopenhauer's explanation of people's shyness associated with sex. 其间我注意到了叔本华对于人面对性行为时的“害羞”情感所作的解释。
So it is schopenhauer's philosophy that deviates from the traditional philosophy and becomes the beginning of modern philosophy. 因此,叔本华哲学是西方哲学背离传统、向现代的开端。
Modern and Tradition: the Basic Difference between Schopenhauer and Nietzsche 传统与现代:叔本华、尼采美学的根本差异
In the future, philosophers will continue the work of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. 将来,哲学家将继续叔本华和尼采的事业。
A Comparative Study on the Doctrine of Life's Extrication between Wang Guowei and Schopenhauer 王国维与叔本华人生解脱说之比较研究
Many of the great philosophers were amateurs, from Schopenhauer and Nietzsche to Sartre. 许多伟大的哲学家都是业余哲学爱好者,其中就包括叔本华、尼采和萨特。
Under the influence of Schopenhauer, Wittgenstein negates traditional philosophy from the perspective of lingual criticism. 维特根斯坦在叔本华的影响下,从语言批判的角度否定了传统哲学。
The great19th century philosopher schopenhauer. 在19世纪伟大的哲学家叔本华。
I think it's Plato, Schopenhauer, Satre and Singer. 是柏拉图,叔本华,萨特和辛格。
On Look Homeward, Angel and Schopenhauer's Philosophy of Life 《天使,望故乡》与叔本华人生哲学观
After Kant, those philosophers such as Hegel, Schopenhauer, Weber, Sartre, Jonas have established their own responsibility ethics on the basis of Kant's responsibility. 在康德之后,黑格尔、叔本华、韦伯、萨特、尤那斯等人在康德的责任观基础上各自建立自己的责任伦理学。
Antonia: This is no time for Schopenhauer. This is important. 没有时间留给叔本华了。这很重要。
The thesis cites the philosophy of Kierkegaard, Nietzsche and Wittgenstein to analyze the relationship between Schopenhauer and modern western philosophy. 本文以克尔凯郭尔、尼采和维特根斯坦为例,探讨了叔本华与西方现代哲学的关系。
In addition, the dissertation also compendiously introduces schopenhauer's views of will freedom and his aesthetic thoughts, and evaluates and analyses their contribute and limitation in the whole aesthetic history. 在此基础上,本章还简要介绍了叔本华的意志自由论及其美学思想,指出了其在美学史上的贡献及局限。
Sure enough, hundreds dove in, and pretty soon Gamer Theory had sparked erudite exchanges on everything from Plato's cave to Schopenhauer's ideas on boredom. 果不其然,数以百计的人们加入了讨论中来,很快《玩家理论》点燃了很多博学者之间的讨论,从柏拉图的洞穴之喻到叔本华的厌烦哲学观点。
Differing from Newton and Schopenhauer, your ancestor did not think of time as absolute and uniform. 您的祖先和牛顿、叔本华不同的地方是他认为时间没有同一性和绝对性。
Schopenhauer criticizes the traditional rationalism epistemology, and establishes will metaphysics which replaces traditional rational metaphysics. 叔本华通过批判传统的理性主义认识论,建立起一种意志的形而上学,以之取代传统的理性形而上学;
Schopenhauer was born in Danzig in1788 but spent most of his life in Frankfurt. 年,叔本华出生于丹思克,可他一生的许多时间是在法兰克福度过的。
The leading modern philosophers, Schopenhauer and nietzsche, concerned themselves neither with defending religion nor with promoting science, but rather with exploring the unconscious and understanding human nature. 现代哲学的领衔哲学家叔本华和尼采既不为宗教辩护,也不为科学鸣志,他们更感兴趣的是对无意识的探究和对人类本性的理解。
First, the paper analyses schopenhauer's unique opinion on nature of good and evil. 首先,本文分析了叔本华对善恶本质的独特规定。
I felt this explanation too rough. The "shyness" in Schopenhauer's texts generally indicates "shame", which means feeling guilty about wrong deeds. 我感到这一解释比较粗糙:叔本华这里说的是“羞愧”,那是一种做了错事、良心受到责备的感觉;
Arthur schopenhauer, a pessimistic philosopher, started a rebellion against rationalism, stressing the importance of will and intuition. 德国哲学家亚瑟。叔本华的悲观主义与反理性哲学强调了人的意愿与直觉的重要性。
The important spokesmen, Hume and Schopenhauer, make a contribution to the development of this theory respectively. 其重要代表人物休谟与叔本华则为该学说的发展作出了各自的贡献。
The Practical Significance and Limitation of Schopenhauer's Pessimistic Philosophy of Life 叔本华悲观主义人生哲学的现实意义与局限性
Schopenhauer asks us to consider a different view: that happiness is simply not the point anymore than it is for porcupines or monkeys. 叔本华则让我们思考不同的观点:人享受的幸福不比豪猪和猴子的多。