Nero pushed as Far as Baetis and was in sight of Carthago Nova when he was replaced by the young Scipio, Publius Cornelius Scipio "The Younger". 就在尼禄攻至Baetis,新迦太基就在眼前的时候,他被大西庇阿取代。
This was Scipio's mistake. 这是西庇阿的错误。
The battle in 202 BC in which Scipio decisively defeated Hannibal at the end of the second Punic War. Prior to and during World War II, the efforts of Schrader's group were directed toward the development of chemical-warfare agents. 公元前202年西皮奥在第二次迦太基战争决定性战胜汉尼拔的战斗。在第二次世界大战以前及大战期间,Schrader小组致力于发展化学战剂。
After Scipio defeated Hasdrubal Barca in Southern Spain, he allowed Hasdrubal to escape. 西庇阿在西班牙南部击败哈斯德鲁巴后,却没有乘胜追击。
With Cato and Scipio in the afterlife. 早就和卡托,西比乌一起死了。
He lost decisively to scipio's ally masinissa at the battle of zama, but escaped. 他在札马战役中败于西庇阿的盟友马西尼萨,但他逃脱了。
Scipio conducted his campaign in Spain with the mind of a brilliant general, not a great one. 大西庇阿在西班牙的战绩说明他确实是位优秀的将领,但还不够伟大。
While Scipio was arriving in Spain, and Nero was already called home, Hasdrubal did manage to take back most of Spain. 就在大西庇阿赶往西班牙就任,尼禄已被召回罗马期间,哈斯德鲁巴乘机夺回了西班牙大部。
After Publius Cornelius Scipio was killed in Spain, Nero took over not that long afterwards. 科尔内利乌斯。西庇阿在西班牙阵亡后不久,尼禄继任。