Miss Sedley tried to read, but could hardly bring herself to go into the book. 赛得笠小姐试着读书,可是看不进去。
Now, Miss Amelia Sedley was a young lady of this singular species; 爱米丽亚·赛特笠小姐就是这种难能可贵的好人。
There was no need of this caution, for the elder Sedley himself began immediately to speak of the event, and prattled about it, and wept over it plenteously. 其实这个警告也是多余的,赛特笠老头儿立刻就谈到这件事,噜噜嗦嗦说了许多话,掉了许多眼泪。
Miss Sedley asked me to give you this when I saw you next. 塞德利小姐叫我下次看到你的时候给你这个。
When the day of departure came, between her two customs of laughing and crying, Miss Sedley was greatly puzzled how to act. 赛特笠小姐既爱哭又爱笑,到了动身的一天不知怎么才好。
Miss Sedley's papa was a merchant in London and a man of some wealth. 赛特笠小姐的爸爸在伦敦做买卖,手里很有几个钱。
Miss Sharp kindled with his exciting talk, but Miss Sedley trembled and grew quite faint as she heard it. 夏泼小姐听了这样叫人振奋的话,不由得眉飞色舞,赛特笠小姐却怕得直发抖。
He paired off with Miss sedley. 他和赛特笠小姐结成了一对儿。
George married Miss Sedley this morning. 乔治和赛特笠今天早上结婚了。
Be kind enough to address it to John Sedley, Esquire, and to seal this billet which I have written to his lady. 请你在信封上写上约翰·赛特笠先生的名字,把我写给他太太的信也封进去。
Sedley groaned in agonies which the pen refuses to describe. 赛特笠在哼哼唧唧的忍受形容不出的苦楚。
"The poor child is all heart," said Mrs. Sedley. 塞特笠太太说道:可怜这孩子真重感情。
On this point Rebecca had her own opinion, and still kept up a good heart. Every soul in the coach agreed, that on that night Jos Sedley would propose to make Rebecca Sharp Mrs. Sedley. 关于这一点,利蓓加有她自己的见解,并不觉得灰心。车子里人人心里都明白,那天晚上乔斯准会向利蓓加·夏泼求婚。