His face blanched as he looked at Sharpe's blood-drenched uniform 他一看到夏普浸满鲜血的制服,脸色顿时变得煞白。
'I should have killed him,' Sharpe growled. “我本该宰了他的,”夏普吼道。
Sharpe's leg and shoulder began to ache, a sure sign of rain 夏普的腿和肩膀开始疼痛,这预示着肯定要下雨了。
In an attempt to offer an example, I ask the reader to consider the domain of image conversions and the hypothetical business entity of Sharpe Images ( SI) and its image conversion product, Convert-It. 在尝试提供一个示例时,我要求读者考虑图像转换的范围,以及SharpeImages(SI)的假设商业实体和它的图像转换产品&Convert-It。
The maximum Sharpe ratio for the given set of assets is the return value of the Callable task. 给定资产集的最大Sharpe比率是Callable任务的返回值。
While outside factors can decrease sperm production, there don't appear to be any that can increase the production above the limit set by the number of Sertoli cells, Dr. Sharpe says. 夏普说,外部因素可以降低精子产量,但似乎没有任何外部因素可以将产量提高到支持细胞数量设定的上限之上。
How were these traders harnessing a high-testosterone/ high-risk style of trading into high Sharpe ratios? 这些交易员如何利用高睾丸激素/高风险的交易风格,获得较高的夏普比率?
Sharpe, Shel MD-resources for child and adolescent psychiatry, including mood disorders, anxiety, attention deficit disorder, and sleep disruptions. 儿童,青少年精神病治疗有关信息,包括情绪紊乱,焦虑,注意力不集中,睡眠中断等。
I also always thought French Line Infantry looked sharpe. 我一直都认为法国步兵团看起来很酷。
I assume you don't drive, Mr sharpe? 我猜想你不会开车吧,夏普先生?
Multi-horizon Sharpe Ratios Based on Wavelet Analysis and Empirical Study 基于小波分析的多期夏普比率及实证研究
More usefully, the data also suggest that banks could use an improving Sharpe ratio over time as a measure that indicates a trader has developed a skill worth paying for. 更有用的一点是,我们的数据也表明,银行可以根据夏普比率随着时间推移而提高的程度,来判断一名交易员是否掌握了与薪酬相称的技能。
Were the traders getting better or were employers culling low Sharpe traders? 是交易员越来越出色,还是雇主在不断淘汰夏普比率低的交易员?
But there was no link between the hormone and their trading skills, as measured by the Sharpe ratio ( of which more later). 根据“夏普比率”(详见下文),睾丸激素与交易技能毫不相干。
This paper studies Markowitz portfolio selection theory and Sharpe capital asset pricing model from each aspect, especially explains capital asset pricing model and its recent development in finance field. 本文对马柯威茨证券投资组合理论和夏普资本资产定价模型作了全面的研究,着重探讨了资本资产定价模型及其在财务领域的发展。
Bettors around the world made small fortunes based on Paul's uncanny picks, said Graham Sharpe, media relations director at William Hill in London, one of Britain's largest bookmakers. 英国最大的博彩公司之一、位于伦敦的威廉希尔公司的媒介总监格雷厄姆•夏普称,全世界的赌球者们沾了保罗的光,小赚了一笔。
The Sharpe group has found that adult mesenchymal stem cells derived from bone marrow ( but also possibly obtainable from fat) can replace embryonic mesenchyme in the tooth formation process. 夏普团队已经发现,源自骨髓(也可能取自脂肪)成年间质干细胞,可以取代胚胎间质来形成牙齿。
Back in 1966, the future Nobel Prize winner William Sharpe invented a way of combining expected returns from a security with the expected risk of holding it. 早在1966年,后来获得诺贝尔奖的威廉夏普(williamsharpe)就发明了一种综合衡量证券预期回报与持有该证券的预期风险的指标。
The monthly Sharpe ratio that measures returns against risk was a "truly awful" 0.1 ( the higher the ratio, the better the risk-adjusted performance). 每月的夏普指数为(衡量风险报酬的指标)“真实可怕”的0.1(指数越高,风险调整表现就约好)。
It is time now to create something similar for economies: a forecast of output divided by a measure of the risks to the forecast; a Sharpe ratio for economic growth. 如今,我们应该创立适用于整体经济的类似量度:以预期产出除以衡量预期产出所涉及风险的指标,即用于衡量经济增长的夏普率(Sharperatio)。
We found traders increased their Sharpe ratios significantly during the two years of the study indicating they were learning to make more money per unit of risk. 我们发现,在我们研究的这两年内,交易员的夏普比率大幅提高。这表明他们在不断学习如何提高单位风险的盈利。
So you'd have to consider Kanchelskis, Ronaldo, Giggs, Cole, Paul Parker-he was very quick-Anderson, Ferdinand, Lee Sharpe as a kid was quick, and Paul Ince, too. 因此你必须要考虑砍切尔斯基罗纳尔多吉格斯安迪科尔保罗帕克他真的很快。安德森费迪南德李夏普也是很快的包括保罗因斯。
On the other hand, I discuss the Markowitz's means-variance theory, Sharpe's Single-Index model, and simple multi-index model introduction. 另一方面,详细的讨论了现代投资组合理论的发展历程及其模型内容和假定条件,这里主要介绍Markowitz的均值&方差(M/V)理论、Sharpe的单指数模型,并简单说明了一下多指数模型。
Based on the standard deviation and VaR of asymmetric Laplace distribution, a modified Sharpe index is proposed. 在此基础上,分别给出了基于非对称Laplace分布标准差和VaR值的修正的Sharpe指数;
The study on the applicability of Sharpe Single-Index Model in our stock market 夏普单指数模型对我国股票市场的适用性分析
After then, William. F. Sharpe advanced Capital Asset Pricing Model. 之后,威廉·夏普(William.F.Sharpe)又提出了资本资产定价模型。
Then a method which is frequently used is to compare portfolios 'sample Sharpe ratio without considering this measure's precision. 然后一个被广泛使用的方法就是比较投资组合的样本Sharperatio而不考虑这种方法的精确性。