I recently met Sheena Iyengar, another psychologist and author of a new book, the art of choosing aptly titled because despite a range of recent insights from psychologists and behavioural economists, choice is not a science. 我最近遇到了另一位心理学家希娜连格(sheenaiyengar),她的新书《选择的艺术》(theartofchoosing)题目恰当,因为尽管最近心理学家和行为经济学家提出了一系列洞见,但选择并非一门科学。
American Sheena Hall, who is a Maryland native studying political science at Howard University in Washington, studied in Hyderabad, India, for six months last spring as a Benjamin A.Gilman scholar. 美国人西娜·霍尔(SheenaHall)是美国马里兰州本地人,在华盛顿霍华德大学(HowardUniversity)攻读政治学,她今年春天曾作为本杰明·吉尔曼(BenjaminA.Gilman)学者在印度的海得拉巴(Hyderabad)学习过6个月。