As a child in the care of a local authority he had been boarded out with a farmer in Shropshire. 他童年时由地方政府照管,曾被送到什罗普郡的一户农民家里寄宿。
They were on their way to the Shropshire Union Canal when their van was involved in a collision with a car 在去往什罗普郡联盟运河的路上,他们的小货车与一辆小车相撞。
The Shropshire landscape was an influence on Owen too 什罗普郡的风景也对欧文产生了影响。
The Earl rarely visited his country seat in shropshire. 伯爵很少去他在什罗普郡的乡村故居。
The tax is collected by the district and borough councils on behalf of Shropshire County Council. 市政税由各区和自治的市政厅代表什罗普郡市政厅征收。
An eight-year-old peacock in Shropshire has fallen hopelessly in love with a petrol pump. 什罗普郡一只八岁大的孔雀无可救药地爱上了一个汽油加油泵。
He had intended, on first arriving, to proceed very soon into Shropshire, and visit the brother settled in that country, but the attractions of Uppercross induced him to put this off. 他刚到的时候还打算马上就去希罗普郡,拜访一下住在那里的哥哥,谁想厄泼克劳斯对他的吸引力太大了,这事只好往后推一推。
This week, in contrast, Bagehot headed to Ludlow, a handsome market town in Shropshire, to watch a public hearing being held by the Boundary Commission for England. 与之相反,这周我们来到什罗普郡美丽的拉德洛集镇,观看了一场由英格兰选区边界委员会举办的公开听证会。
Shropshire's only Labour MP, David Wright, came to appeal against a proposal to split his current seat in two, probably eliminating his majority. 什罗普郡唯一的工党议员,大卫·莱特,反对将他目前的席位一分为二,因为那有可能会把他大多数的支持者划分出去。
Wenlock is named after Much Wenlock, a village in Shropshire which held an event in the19th century which inspired the modern Games. 文洛克以英格兰施罗普希尔郡的马奇文洛克村命名,它在19世纪举行的一次运动会成为现代奥林匹克运动会的灵感之一。