n. (男子教名,亦作姓用,源于希伯来语,始于《圣经·新约》人物西门;它的英语变体是Shimeon)
And Judah said unto Simeon his brother, Come up with me into my lot, that we may fight against the Canaanites; and I likewise will go with thee into thy lot. 犹大对他哥哥西缅说,请你同我到拈阄所得之地去,好与迦南人争战。以后我也同你到你拈阄所得之地去。
And by the border of Simeon, from the east side unto the west side, Issachar a portion. 挨着西缅的地界,从东到西,是以萨迦的一分。
These are the sons of Israel; Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun 以色列的儿子是流便,西缅,利未,犹大,以萨迦,西布伦
And of the tribe of the children of Simeon, Shemuel the son of Ammihud. 西缅子孙的支派有亚米忽的儿子示母利。
She conceived again, and when she gave birth to a son she said," Because the Lord heard that I am not loved, he gave me this one too. "So she named him Simeon. 她又怀孕生子,就说:“耶和华因为听见我失宠,所以又赐给我这个儿子”,于是给他起名叫西缅(就是听见的意思)。
1In the church at Antioch there were prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen ( who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch) and Saul. 在安提阿的教会中,有几位先知和教师,就是巴拿巴,和称呼尼结的西面,古利奈人路求,与分封之王希律同养的马念,并扫罗。
From the tribes of Judah, Simeon and Benjamin they allotted the previously named towns. 这以上录名的城,在犹大,西缅,便雅悯三支派的地中,以色列人拈阄给了他们。
Now then, your two sons born to you in Egypt before I came to you here will be reckoned as mine; Ephraim and Manasseh will be mine, just as Reuben and Simeon are mine. 我未到埃及见你之先,你在埃及地所生的以法莲和玛拿西这两个儿子是我的,正如流便和西缅是我的一样。
When you have crossed the Jordan, these tribes shall stand on Mount Gerizim to bless the people: Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Joseph and Benjamin. 你们过了约旦河,西缅,利未,犹大,以萨迦,约瑟,便雅悯六个支派的人都要站在基利心山上为百姓祝福。
And he brought Simeon out to them. 以后给他们领出西默盎来。
Those who were numbered of them, of the tribe of simeon: fifty-nine thousand three hundred. 属西缅支派被数点的,有五万九千三百名。
And he got together all Judah and Benjamin and those of Ephraim and Manasseh and Simeon who were living with them; for numbers of them came to him out of Israel when they saw that the LORD his God was with him. 又招聚犹大便雅悯的众人、并他们中间寄居的以法莲人、玛拿西人、西缅人。有许多以色列人归降亚撒。因见耶和华他的神与他同在。
In Simeon's word the Man-Savior was revealed as the() of Israel, the() of God, a() to the Gentiles, the() of Israel, a() to Israel, and a() opposed. 西面的话启示人救主是以色列的()、神的()、外邦人的()、以色列民的()、以色列人的()、以及受人反对的()。
They left Simeon behind and returned to Canaan, and told Jacob the whole story. 他们将赛门留下,其余返回迦南城,将经过禀告雅各。
Father, what if thee should get found out again? Said simeon, as he buttered his cake. “爸爸,如果您又被人家发现了怎么办呢?”小赛明一面往烙饼上搽黄油,一面问道。
And the second heritage came out for the tribe of Simeon by their families; and their heritage was in the middle of the heritage of the children of judah. 为西缅支派的人,按着宗族,拈出第二阄。他们所得的地业是在犹大人地业中间。
And Simeon went with him. 于是西缅与他同去。
The tribe of Simeon was part of the southern Kingdom and many of the Levites moved to the southern Kingdom from the rebelling northern kingdom. 西缅支派属南方王国。许多利末人从北方的反叛王国搬到南方王国去居住。
Simeon was a very old man who was told by God he would see Jesus before he died. 西面是一位非常年老的人,而上帝告诉过他,在他死前必见到耶稣。
Lord, give me Simeon's dismissal: Christ in my arms. 主啊,赐我西面的解散令:基督在我的臂膀里。
Simeon's this holy man living in the temple, again there's that theme of the temple. 西面是住在圣殿中的圣人,这里又再次提到了圣殿。
And over the host of the tribe of the children of Simeon was Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai. 统领西缅支派军队的是苏利沙代的儿子示路蔑。
Simeon predicts it, he prophesied about it in this little psalm. 西面却预测了,在这首短赞美诗中做了预言。
The play also spoke about many things, including history of simeon: the long war, guangxi, yunnan, western yunnan resistance uprising, etc. 剧中还提到了诸多历史事情,包括缅桂战争、红军长征、滇西抗战、云南起义等。
The other psalm is2:29, which Simeon prays. 另一首赞美诗是2:29,西面所作的祷告。
San Simeon Cabernet Sauvignon offers bright aromas of raspberry and black cherry. 圣西蒙赤霞珠提供了树莓和黑樱桃明亮的香味。
Then Judah said to Simeon his brother, Come up with me into my heritage, so that we may make war against the Canaanites; 犹大就上去,耶和华将迦南人和比利洗人交在他们手中。