
英 [ˈsaɪmənz] 美 [ˈsaɪmənz]

n.  西蒙斯



  1. The service was led by the Reverend Jim Simons.
  2. Simons said that when this primate lived, Africa was an island, limiting the competition for survival.
  3. Traveling to Boston, Mrs. Simons had checked her luggage through, and also the cage carrying her cat.
  4. As Simons principle of bounded rationality makes clear, however, such an ideal rationality can never be attained because of the limits of time, information, and intellectual capacity.
  5. The family said that Simons flowers for his mom attracted a kangaroo.
  6. Herzog and Simons are optimistic about the prospects for making progress against migraines.
  7. Parents will bribe the coach to get ( their child) into the team, teams will bribe the referee to win the game, said Simons, who has lived and played football in China for more than 20 years.
  8. Ted Simons from North Carolina State University and colleagues put recordings of frogs, like this wood frog, [ Wood Frog sound] in the field to test the volunteers.
  9. Mr. Simons's innovative and complex pleat play included a pair of wrap-skirt-like shorts made of sharp and skinny knife pleats that were pieced with a panel of black silk.
  10. The work was funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, the Simons Foundation, the Della Martin Foundation, and a global Center of Excellence grant from Japan.
  11. Simons proposed the creation of pure deposit-taking institutions holding 100 per cent reserves whose assets had to be held in currency or Federal Reserve deposits.
  12. At one time Simons had a great influence on Chicago economists such as Milton Friedman, but was later repudiated, presumably because he had too much positive programme and not enough laisser faire.
  13. Rowan Simons, a Briton who came to China more than two decades ago and discovered he wasn't able to play weekend soccer, has been on a campaign to popularize the sport here.
  14. "What was astonishing is how small this brain is," Duke University primatologist Elwyn Simons, who led the study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, said in a telephone interview.
  15. Simons had the same experience: We actually rewound the videotape to make sure subjects knew we were showing them the same clip.
  16. The generator of gauge transformation for spinor QED with Chern-Simons ( CS) term has been constructed.
  17. The plume field model given in this paper is different from the Simons plume field model and the characteristic line plume field model, but still satisfies the hypothesis supposing the far plume flow field as the free molecular flow.
  18. Quantization of Lattice Chern-Simons Theory
  19. This text systematically presents the control function of Simons frequency converter in combination with application of Simons AC freqnency converter to direct reducing iron.
  20. Application of Simons AC Frequency Converter to Direct Reducing Iron
  21. The quantal symmetry property in the CP 1 non-linear sigma model with Maxwell-Chern-Simons ( MCS) term in ( 2+ 1) dimensions is studied.
  22. Using the two point propagator of Chern Simons theory as the basic blocks of quantum gravity states, we constructed the extended knot invariant gravity states ( φ G) n that which satisfied with the homogeneous D constraint.
  23. 2-Harmonic space-like submanifolds in a pseudo-Riemannian space form was studied, and a Simons form inequality of integration was obtained via calculations.
  24. Simons-type and Yau-type Inequalities in Pseudoumbilical Submanifolds
  25. And then this thesis describes the development of old law and economics at University of Chicago and introduces the fundamental contributions made by Simons and Director.
  26. Chern-Simons Invariants of U ( 1)-bundle over a Torus
  27. Using the PLC module made by Simons as a control core, S7-200 made by Simons is designed in remote gate control system, the draft of its composing and its system software program are put forward.
  28. The Flandres Road is the French new fiction writer Claude Simons 'one of the representative works, a postmodern nature of the classic work.