I just felt relieved when he was born that he was healthy and delighted to see him bring Siobhan and Dean so much joy. 在他健健康康地降生后,我觉得如释重负,而且也非常开心可以看到他给西沃恩和迪恩带来这么多快乐。
Siobhan Terry, 31, longed for another child to make her family complete, but was told she would never be able to give her daughter Saoirse, a brother or sister. 西沃恩特里今年31岁,非常希望能够再生一个小孩使家庭更完整,不幸被告知已失去生育能力,无法为她的女儿西尔莎再生一个弟弟或妹妹。
There was a further setback for the show when it was revealed that Siobhan Finneran, who plays the scheming but hugely popular housekeeper Sarah OBrien, had also decided not to appear in series four. 这部剧集也遇到了更多人员离开的挫折,当时有消息披露饰演诡计多端而又极受欢迎的贴身女仆沙拉奥布莱恩的西沃恩芬纳兰也决定不出演第四季。
What's your position on people who have chimps as pets? Siobhan Laurino, LYNN, MASS. 你怎么看那些把黑猩猩当宠物养的人?
Siobhan Martin, HR director at Mercer UK, the talent consultancy, agrees, noting that community services groups that work with disadvantaged youth or vulnerable people have an especially exacting selection process. 人才咨询公司美世英国(MercerUK)的人力资源总监西沃恩马丁(SiobhanMartin)对此表示赞同,她提到,对弱势青年或脆弱人群开展工作的社区服务团体实行特别严苛的遴选过程。
Mutya Buena, Keisha Buchanan and Siobhan Donaghy have applied to register the name with the European Union's trademark office OHIM. 玛雅·布伊娜,凯莎·布坎南和塞欧翰·多娜茜已向欧盟商标局的内部市场协调局OHIM提交申请,对该组合名称进行注册。