On five new species and subspecies of siphonaptera from China 我国蚤目五新种、新亚种记述
Notes on new siphonaptera of Hopei province, north China 河北省蚤目新种的记述及讨论
Studies on siphonaptera from Qinling mountains, china ⅳ. description and Discussion on a new subfamily, genus and species of hystrichopsyllidae 秦岭山区蚤类的研究(四)多毛蚤科一新亚科新属新种及其讨论
Studies on siphonaptera from Qinling mountains, central china& ⅰ. descriptions of three new species and subspecies of hystrichopsyllidae 秦岭山区蚤类的研究(一)&多毛蚤科(Hystrichopsyllidae)三新种和新亚种的记述
On some new species and new records of fleas from China ( siphonaptera) 我国蚤类的几个新种和新纪录(蚤目)