Princess Margaret is divorced from Lord Snowdon 玛格丽特公主与斯诺登勋爵离婚了。
Previous royal heirs, Prince William included, have had their first official portraits taken by society legends such as Sir Cecil Beaton and Lord Snowdon. 之前的王位继承人,包括威廉王子在内,都是由塞西尔比顿爵士和斯诺登勋爵拍摄他们的第一张官方照。
Pleased to meet you. I'm Geoff snowdon. I haven't seen you around before. 很高兴认识你,我叫吉奥夫斯诺登。我过去没有见过你呀。
A girl who went missing during a family outing to mount Snowdon has been found dead on the mountainside. 在一次去斯诺顿山的家庭远游中失踪的女孩被发现已死在山坡上。
Later, her own divorce from Lord Snowdon heralded a cavalcade of failed royal marriages. 后来,她与斯诺登伯爵离婚,掀开了王室一桩桩失败婚姻的序幕。
Again, using the dialectical analysis method, Snowdon events, for example, pointed out the development of information technology onthe adverse effects of government decision-making. 再次,利用辩证的分析方法,以斯诺登事件为例,指出了信息技术的发展对政府决策产生的不利影响。