His style of stimulating thought through question asking has been adopted by many modern teachers and is known as the Socratic method. 他通过提问启发思想的作法被现今很多老师借鉴,这种教学方法被称为苏格拉底法。
He holds a similar view of cognitive behavioral therapy, or C.B.T., which seeks to alter behavior through a kind of Socratic dialogue that helps patients recognize the maladaptive connections between their thoughts and their emotions. 他对认知行为疗法,也有类似的看法。认知行为疗法试图通过一种苏格拉底式的对话,帮助患者认识到自己的思想与情绪之间的联系调试不良,从而改变患者的行为。
But that formula forces us to return to the original Socratic question about the harmony of the soul and the city. 但那个公式迫使我们回到,原始的苏格拉底式问题,即有关灵魂与城市的和谐。
This is an abuse of the Socratic Method although I suppose that it can be forgiven in part because Socrates himself sometimes used it. 这是一种对苏格拉底式教学法的滥用,尽管我认为这在某种程度上可以被原谅,因为苏格拉底本人有时候也这样做。
But there is a reason for this kind of teaching, what we call "the Socratic method." And I want you to know what that reason is. 这样的教学方式是有原因的。我们叫它“苏格拉底式教学法。”我想让你们知道原因何在。
But it is also thrilling. I have heard students say that they could feel their brains getting bigger because of the Socratic method. 但这种方法也很是让人激动,我听有学生说在采用苏格拉底教学法时他们会觉得脑袋越来越灵光。
It would seem far from being unrealistic, Socrates engages what we might call maybe a kind of Socratic realism. 这不只是不切实际,苏格拉底所把持的,是一种我们也许该称为,苏格拉底式的现实主义。
The essence of Socratic method is a process of interpreting the text of law. 在法学教育中引入苏格拉底方法的路径,其实质就是法律文本的解读方法。
For the moment he believes e-book readers are too rigid for use in the classrooms of Darden, where the Socratic method and case-based pedagogy mean students must be nimble. 他认为,对于达顿商学院的教学而言,目前电子阅读器显得过于僵硬。该学校采用苏格拉底式的问答法和基于案例的教学方式,要求学生必须灵活机敏。
Change from Dialectical Dialogues to Literary Dialogues& More Exploration of "Socratic Dialogues" and "Menippean Satire" 辩证法对话向文学性对话的转变&关于苏格拉底对话与梅尼普讽刺的再探析
Socrates seems to be saying not that Kallipolis it will simply be Socratic poetry and music. 苏格拉底似乎并非希望,将不会有诗学与音乐,the,Kallipolis,will,have,no,poetry,and,music,而是会有苏老式的诗学与音乐。
In teaching the traditional curriculum, law teachers in almost all the law schools use to some extent the case method or the Socratic Method. 在教这些传统的课程时,几乎所有法学院的老师们都会一定程度的用到案例教学法或苏格拉底教学法。
He adopted the Dialogue form used by Socrates; the latter's teaching was done by question and answer, and the method has become known as the "Socratic Method". 他在对话录中采用的形式就是苏格拉底教学时所采用的、被后世称为苏格拉底法的问答式。
Some students think a Socratic inquiry is a game in which professors know the rules better than they do so the student is sure to lose. 一些学生认为苏格拉底式的询问是一种游戏,教授们比他们更好地了解法律,因此,学生注定要输。
The famed Socratic method of argumentation is basically all that remains of the older pre-Socratic culture of struggle and combat. 著名的苏格拉底式辩论法,基本上,仍全盘维持旧时前苏格拉底式的,斗争与战斗文化。
The "Socratic Problem" consists of two propositions, i.e.," Virtue is knowledge "and" Virtue is teachable", which have been misunderstood for a long time. “苏格拉底问题”由“德性即知识”和“德性可教”两个命题所构成,围绕这两个命题存在着长期误解和以讹传讹现象。
"Know thyself." These words, which are generally ascribed to Socrates, actually lie at the basis of many systems and schools far more ancient than the Socratic. 一般都将「认识自己」这四个字归因于苏格拉底,但实际上它是比苏格拉底还要久远以前的许多体系和学校的基础。
The Research and Application of "Socratic Circles" in Chinese Classes of International School 苏格拉底圈讨论式教学法在国际学校中文课堂教学中的应用研究
And that is of course at the core of the famous Socratic thesis, that all virtue is a form of knowledge, all the virtues require knowledge and reflection at their basis. 而这正是,著名苏老论点的核心,所有美德都是一种知识形式,所有美德都需要,知识与反思作为其基础。
What would a community? of Socratic citizens look like, each one picking and choosing, you might say, the laws or the rules to obey or to follow or not to follow. 苏格拉底式的公民社群,会是什么样子,每个人都自己挑选,想服从,遵守及不遵守的法律。
On the one hand, he says, his reference to a divine mission, he explicitly says there, will be taken by his audience as being just another instance of Socratic irony and insincerity. 一方面,他表示自己所指的神授任务,他很明白地表示,将会被听众误以为只是另一轮的,苏格拉底式讽刺及伪善。
Philosophy and certainly Socratic philosophy requires friends, comrades, conversations. 哲学及苏格拉底式的哲学,需要朋友,同伴及对话。
The Socratic manner is not a game at which two can play. 苏格拉底式的问答并不是两个人可玩的游戏。
Nussbaum takes her position firmly in the Socratic tradition of inquiry, and of teaching, and she points out that this works best in small groups, with live questions and answers. 诺斯鲍姆坚定地站在了苏格拉底式的提问和教学传统一边,并且指出,在小团体中采取现场问答的方式最具效果。
Socrates was put to death, but the Socratic philosophy rose like the sun in heaven, and spread its illumination over the whole intellectual firmament. 苏格拉底是被处死了,但苏格拉底的哲学则如日在中天,光辉照遍整个的知识长空。
This form of inquiry into a subject is based on the Socratic approach, established by Socrates, the ancient Greek philosopher who pursued a frank discourse with everyone he met. 这种就一个主题进行探讨的方式叫做苏格拉底法,由苏格拉底创立,这位希腊哲学家一直追求与他相遇的每个人进行坦诚的谈话。
His method of asking his students a series of questions to lead them to their own answer to a question they are pondering has become known as the Socratic Method. 对于学生们百思不得其解的问题,他的办法是反问学生一系列问题,从而引导他们找到自己对于该问题的答案,这就是后来众所周知的“苏格拉底法”。
Teachers must be aware, though, that there are various forms of the Socratic Method. 尽管如此,老师们必须意识到,苏格拉底式教学法有各种不同的形式。
I shall define him as an individual who has elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life the activity of thinking in Socratic way about moral problem. 我将把他定义为这样的人,他把以苏格拉底的方式去思考道德问题作为人生首要的责任和乐趣。
The new Socratic citizen let's call him that for a moment the new Socratic citizen may have some features in common with the older Homeric warrior. 新型的苏格拉底式公民,姑且这么称呼,这种新型的苏格拉底式公民,可能有些特征还是和旧时的荷马战士很像。