Gareth Southgate and Alan Shearer have played against us many times – they know exactly what it's like to play against Manchester United. 索斯盖特和希勒都曾作为对手与我们比赛。他们也知道曼联会怎么踢。
Gareth Southgate should package this successful recipe and send the DVD to every Middlesbrough player as a present to savour. 索斯盖特应该把这场胜利录制成DVD,然后米堡球员轮着发一圈,让他们好好回味这甜蜜的滋味。
Southgate missed a penalty that would have won them the match. 索斯盖特罚失了一粒本可令他们获胜的点球。
Giggs opened the scoring in fine fashion against Gareth Southgate's side, and it was a fitting end to a perfect week for the Welshman. 吉格斯对米德尔斯堡打进了首开纪录的进球,这是威尔士人完美的一周。
For Southgate and his coaching staff the win provided welcome and deserved relief. 对索斯盖特和他的教练组来说这场胜利带来了宝贵的喘息机会。
And it is intended that the research work could be useful to the modern lamps 'development, which have been influenced greatly by western lamps, then guiding the lamps' shape art of Xi'an Southgate square which having plentifulness of culture and race features. 希望能对逐渐西化的现代中国灯具的民族化进程有所借鉴和帮助,以此来指导极富文化底蕴和民族特色的西安南门广场的灯饰造型艺术。