To explain what we mean by the neglect of the negative factor in thought, we may refer by way of illustration to the charges of Pantheism and Atheism brought against the doctrines of Spinoza. 为了说明对于思想中否定环节的忽视,可用一般人认斯宾诺莎学说为泛神论和无神论的攻击,作为例证。
The absolute substance of Spinoza certainly falls short of absolute spirit, and it is a right and proper requirement that God should be defined as absolute spirit. 斯宾诺莎的绝对实体诚然还不是绝对精神,而上帝应该界说为绝对精神,乃是正当的要求。
Spinoza One big, beautiful, rational, cosmic shit. 斯宾诺莎:一个大的,美丽的,理性的,宇宙大便。
Spiritual Origin of Flourishing Pantheism in Modern Germany& The Influence of Eckhart and Spinoza 德国近代泛神论繁荣的精神缘由&以埃克哈特与斯宾诺莎为中心
That's Spinoza on Machiavelli, because "he was favorable to liberty" and that the book, he says, is kind of a satire on princely rule. 那就是斯宾诺莎对马基雅维利的理解,因为,他推崇自由,而关于《君主论》,他说道,某种程度上是对君主统治的讽刺。
The so-called atheism of Spinoza is merely an exaggeration of the fact that he defrauds the principle of difference or finitude of its due. 细察一下,攻击斯宾诺莎为无神论,主要是说,他不能给予差别或有限性的原则以正当的地位。
Spinoza's ideas of God are often characterized as being pantheistic. 斯宾诺莎的上帝概念常被认为是泛神论。
Based on this thought, Spinoza has proved the natural right that everyone is equal. 以这一思想为基础,斯宾诺莎论证了在自然权利的问题上人人平等。
This is the theme of every great moralist from Spinoza to Kant to Freud. 这是每一位崇高道德家所关心的主题,从斯宾诺沙到康德再到佛洛伊德。
Spinoza in Amsterdam contributed to biblical scholarship. 阿姆斯特丹的斯宾诺莎创立了圣经学。
Certain governing ideas of Spinoza breathe through all his works. 斯宾诺莎的某些主要思想贯穿其所有的著作。
If Pantheism means, as it often does, the doctrine which takes finite things in their finitude and in the complex of them to be God, we must acquit the system of Spinoza of the crime of Pantheism. 如果按照通常的看法,泛神论是指认为有限事物本身或有限事物复合为上帝,那么我们就不能不说,斯宾诺莎的哲学逃脱了泛神论的攻击。
On Spinoza's Harmony Thought and Its Contemporary Value 论斯宾诺莎的和谐思想及其当代价值
Modern systematic thought has a concentrated reflection in the philosophic thought of such philosophers as descartes, spinoza, leibniz, Kant and hegel. 近代的系统思想集中体现在笛卡尔、斯宾诺莎、莱布尼茨、康德和黑格尔等哲学家的思想中;
Exactly the same may be said of him, with the less reluctance since he has not hesitated to say it of Spinoza. 完全一样的,可以说他,因为他与少不愿意毫不犹豫地说斯宾诺莎它。
Avarice, ambition, and lust are nothing but species of madness, although not enumerate among diseases.& Benedict De Spinoza 贪婪、野心、欲望都不过是疯狂之一种,虽然没有被列为疾病。&斯宾诺莎
The man, who is guided by reason, is more free in a state, where he lives under a general system of law, than in solitude, where he is independent.& Benedict de Spinoza 有理智的人在一般法律体系中生活比在无拘无束的独居中更为自由。&斯宾诺莎
In early modern times they connect strongly with Spinoza, Litmitz, with Nist and more recently with Whitehead and the late Russell and many more connections can be made some which I'll indicate. 在现代与斯宾诺莎,莱布尼茨相联系,更近一些的则是怀特海和罗素,还有许多其他联系。
Scorning chronological order, I began with Kierkegaard and Sartre, then moved quickly to Spinoza, Hume, Kafka, and Camus. 不按照年代顺序,我从克尔恺郭尔和萨特开始,然后很快看了斯宾诺莎、休谟、卡夫卡和加缪。
Most people are familiar with the names Plato, Machiavelli, Spinoza, and Simone de Beauvoir, but remain unsure of their significance. 大多数人都熟悉的名字,柏拉图,马基雅维里,斯宾诺莎,波娃,但仍不能确定其意义。
Handicaps a man's pow Sadness diminishes or er of action.& Benedict de Spinoza, Dutch Philosopher 忧伤会减少或者妨害一个人行动的力量。荷兰哲学家斯宾诺莎
Will you have to read Spinoza when you go to college? 你上大学时,你必须读斯宾诺莎吗?
Maybe you might even say following Spinoza, that this is the core of Plato's theological political treatise here. 你也可能会学斯宾诺沙说,那是柏拉图的,核心神学政治论述。
The heart is not conquered by force, but by love and tolerance.& Holland Spinoza. 心不是靠武力征服,而是靠爱和宽容大度征服。&荷兰斯宾诺莎。
Or, if you don't believe Spinoza, if you don't believe his authority is sufficient, consider someone who you'll be reading in a couple of weeks, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, from the Social Contract. 或者,假如你不相信斯宾诺莎,假如你不信,他的权威性,那么想一想几星期之后,你们将要读到的一个人,让·雅克·卢梭,在《社会契约论》中。
I believe in Spinoza's God, Who reveals Himself in the lawful harmony of the world, not in a God Who concerns Himself with the fate and the doings of mankind. 我信仰史实诺莎的上帝,祂以宇宙的秩序与和谐来示现,而不是那个会干涉人类命运和行为的上帝。
This idea, which Spinoza had anticipated in1677, fit well with the older Galenic notion that the changing balance among the body humors was the foundation of a person's emotional profile. 斯宾诺莎在1677年提出了这个观点。这个观点与古老的医学观点,即人体内情感的动态平衡形成了情感的侧面,相一致。
This article expounds briefly Spinoza's materialistic rationalism and theory of truth and their influence on Einstein's scientific research and philosophic thought. 本文简要分析了斯宾诺莎的唯物论的唯理论和真理论及其对爱因斯坦的研究工作、哲学思想的影响。
Spinoza constructed his unique system of philosophy on the basis of criticizing and following these ideas. 斯宾诺莎在批判继承这些思想的基础上,建构了自己独特的幸福观哲学体系。