I'll call the Staten Island Ferry lost-and-found office. 我来打电话给Staten岛渡轮的失物招领处。
Countless stories of courage, and compassion, and resilience have emerged in the aftermath of the storm. But one that comes to mind today is about a tree on Staten Island. 风暴过后涌现了一篇篇用勇气、同情和不屈写就的事迹,但我今天具体想到的那个,是史坦顿岛的一棵树。
They visited a winemaking town in Tuscany. Crespina, with about four thousand people, became a sister city to Staten Island. 他们参观了意大利托斯卡纳区的造酒城镇Crespina,这个拥有4000人口的小镇成为了史坦顿岛的姐妹城市。
Joins Brooklyn to Staten Island. 连接着布鲁克林岛和斯塔腾岛。
Officers closed down the bridge, which connects Staten Island to Brooklyn, as the hours-long negotiations continued. 在这场耗时许久的谈判过程中,警方关闭了这座链接布鲁克林与斯塔恩岛的桥梁。
Reservations in Queens, Staten Island and the Bronx accounted for only 3 percent, or$ 12 million. 在皇后区、史泰登岛和布朗克斯的订房仅占3%,合1200万美元。
In the wake of the decisions not to prosecute officers in the Ferguson and Staten Island killings, President Barack Obama has called for a national conversation to rebuild trust in local police forces. 在大陪审团决定不起诉弗格森市和斯塔滕岛杀人案中的警察后,美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)呼吁展开全国性对话,以重建民众对地方警察力量的信任。
We move into my dad's house in Staten island. 我们搬进我爸爸斯塔腾岛上的房子。
The City of New York has five different sections, or boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, and Staten Island. 纽约市分为五个不同的部分,或称区:曼哈顿、布鲁克林、布隆克斯、皇后区,以及斯德顿岛。
I went to staten island. 我去了斯塔滕岛。
The initial land ecological analysis methods introduced and applied by McHarg in the New York Staten Island land-use planning. 最初的土地生态分析方法是由麦克哈格提出并运用于纽约斯塔滕岛的土地利用规划中。
Someone left him for dead in Staten island. 他们把他留在史泰登岛等死。
He had met no one he knew on the ferryboat that plies between New York and Staten Island. 他在行驶于纽约及斯塔登岛之间的轮渡上没有遇见任何熟人。
They kept him in a mental place over on Staten lsland. 他们把他放在斯单岛的一家精神病院。
It's on a barge docked at Staten Island, one of New York City's five boroughs. 这对在史泰登岛,纽约市的五个区之一停靠一艘趸船。
For years, people have suggested that Staten Island should have a vineyard. 多年来,人们就认为史泰登岛应该有一个葡萄园。
Before Jones and her children settled into their Staten Island apartment early last year, they lived in several residences in the District, including Anderson's apartment. 在去年早些时候琼斯和她的孩子们住进斯塔藤岛的公寓之前,他们曾住过一些地方,包括安德森的公寓。
Signaling us from the old Staten Island ferry pier. 在史丹顿渡船码头对我们做信号。
It may look like snacking, but a group of goats in Staten Island, New York is actually working with the National Park Service to pull up weeds. 好像是在吃着零食,但实际上这群山羊在纽约史泰登岛上为铲除国家公园的杂草而忙碌着。
The bridge from Brooklyn to Staten Island is the longest in the world. 从布鲁克林斯台登岛经过的大桥是世界上最长的桥。
He is the brother of Clinton j.sharrett, political leader on Staten island. 他是斯塔登岛的政治领袖克林顿夏勒特的兄弟。
I'm gonna have her go get on the Staten Island ferry. 让她去史坦顿岛渡轮。
We should build up our regimes and take back our lost territories in Staten Island at least. 咱们应该重新加强自己的兵团,至少收回咱们在国会岛的失地才是。
He finds peppers from Staten Island, arugula in Brooklyn, even honey made by Manhattan bees. 他找来了斯塔滕岛的辣椒,布鲁克林的芝麻菜甚至曼哈顿的蜜蜂酿的蜜。
A suspension bridge across the Verrazano Narrows between Brooklyn and Staten Island. 一座横跨位于布鲁克林和Staten岛之间的威若桑那海峡的吊桥。
A steel arch bridge connecting New Jersey and Staten Island at Bayonne, New Jersey. 新泽西州的Bayonne处有一座连接新泽西和Staten岛的钢拱桥。
Today these are several dozen bridges and tunnels connecting Manhattan with Queens, Brooklyn, and Staten Island, and New Jersey. 现在有几十座桥和隧道把曼哈顿区同皇后区、布鲁克林区、斯德顿岛以及新泽西州连在一起。
I lost contact with the Staten Island fire. 已与斯坦顿岛火灾报案者失去联系。
Staten Island is one of the five boroughs that form the city of New York. 史泰登岛是组成纽约市的五个区之一。