Steinberg left img at the end of May. 史坦伯格在五月末离开了老东家IMG经纪公司。
It took two weeks, but on June 7, woods announced via Twitter that he would be leaving with Steinberg. 两周后,也就是在6月7号,伍兹通过Twitter宣布,他将追随史坦伯格,一同离开IMG。
Mark Steinberg says simply that there is no debt on woods 'Jupiter Island home, and declined to elaborate. 伍兹的经纪人马克•史坦伯格称,伍兹的朱庇特岛豪宅并没有背任何债务,但他拒绝透露详细信息。
Steinberg noted that the agreement will soon face a number of crucial tests, including national elections set for February. 斯坦伯格指出,和平协议将很快面临严峻的考验,包括明年二月将举行的全国选举。
Laurence Steinberg is a psychology professor at Temple University in Philadelphia. 劳伦斯·斯坦是费城坦普尔大学的一位心理学教授。
It was a bold move that has implications. For one, last week BuzzFeed's COO, Jon Steinberg, left the company with no successor in place. 这是一个大胆的举动,而它的后果包括:一、BuzzFeed首席运营官乔恩o斯坦伯格于上周在尚未找到合适接班人的情况下就已经离职。
Dr Steinberg, whose main clinic is in New York: New York is only a seven or eight-hour flight from most of Europe, so it works very well for those from Britain, France, Germany, Spain and the Middle East. 诊所总部在纽约的斯泰伯格医生说:从欧洲大多数国家坐飞机到纽约,只有七八个小时的行程,所以对于那些来自英国、法国、德国、西班牙和中东国家的人非常合适。
Steinberg had been in favor of the Disney deal, according to a person familiar with the situation. 据知情人士透露,斯坦伯格一直赞成与迪士尼联姻。
Dr Steinberg offers a technique called pre-implantation genetic diagnosis ( PGD). 斯泰伯格医生提供一种名叫胚胎植入前遗传学诊断(PGD)的技术。
He has seen people staggering into the camps," receiving their first nutritious meal in months," Steinberg said. 斯坦伯格说,他看到人们踉跄地走进难民营,“在几个月内吃到第一顿有营养的饭食”。
They included, incidentally, the chief rabbi of the Polish army, Baruch Steinberg. 顺便提及一下,他们当中也包括波兰军队的首席拉比巴鲁克?斯坦伯格。
Mr Steinberg was a good-natured and hospitable man. 斯泰因贝里先生是个随和而又好客的人。
At the management level, according to Mr Steinberg, prime brokerage is now considered one of the most attractive for senior executives. 斯坦伯格表示,在管理层,大宗经纪业务现在被视为最吸引高管的领域之一。
Steinberg spoke in response to Internet chatter that Woods had torn his Achilles while skiing. 斯坦伯格在互联网聊天上回应道,伍兹在滑雪时撕裂跟腱。
Steinberg is also expected to address the North Korean nuclear program with China, which is Pyongyang's strongest ally. 斯坦伯格预计还将与中国官员讨论北韩核问题,中国是北韩最坚强的盟国。
Remember when I read that Steinberg book? 记得我读斯坦贝革的书的时候吗?
James Steinberg, US Deputy Secretary of state, last week visited Tokyo, Seoul and Beijing to discuss ways to put pressure on Pyongyang, including pushing Asian financial institutions, particularly Chinese banks, to halt transactions with North Korea. 美国副国务卿詹姆斯斯坦伯格(jamessteinberg)上周访问了东京、首尔和北京,商讨如何向平壤施加压力,手段之一是推动亚洲的金融机构(尤其是中国的银行)停止与朝鲜进行交易。
As Mr Steinberg puts it, "commonality of interest is no guarantee of common action". 正如斯坦伯格所言,“利益的共性并不是共同行动的保证”。
Amid mounting concerns about the North Korean situation, James Steinberg, US Deputy Secretary of state, led a US delegation to Tokyo yesterday for talks on North Korea. 在各方对朝鲜局势的关切不断升温之际,美国副国务卿詹姆斯斯坦伯格(jamessteinberg)昨日率领美国代表团抵达日本讨论朝鲜问题。
I'm Rachel Steinberg, undergraduate of Wilson School. 我是瑞秋。斯丁伯格,威尔逊学院的本科生。
Todd Steinberg, head of equities and derivatives at BNP Paribas in New York, says prime brokerage and related functions are more sought after among financial markets executives than ever before. 巴黎银行(bnpparibas)驻纽约的股票和衍生品业务主管托德斯坦伯格(toddsteinberg)表示,金融市场高管对大宗经纪业务及相关业务的角逐达到了前所未有的水平。
Mr Steinberg says: "there is more demand for people with derivatives backgrounds, who can sell more complex products and these people tend to come from technical or engineering educational backgrounds." 斯坦伯格表示:“现在对有衍生品背景的人有了更多需求,他们能够销售更复杂的产品,而往往有技术或工程教育背景。”
These strong women played the role of evil enchantresses in Bismarck's psyche, argues Mr Steinberg. 斯坦伯格认为这些强势的女人在俾斯麦的心灵深处扮演了邪恶女巫的角色。
By using Steinberg and Silverberg's Emotional Autonomy Scale, the present study analyzed the relations of emotional autonomy and school achievement in Hong Kong adolescents. 本研究采用斯腾伯格和斯尔弗伯格编制的情感自主性量表(EmotionalAutonomyScale)研究青春期情感自主性与学业成绩之间的关系。
This strengthens a conjecture of Steinberg. 这个猜想强化了Steinberg提出的猜想。