But Paul eventually there will be old one day, according to Stockhausen had obo Aquarium staff said they had prepared to let Paul in predicting retirement after the tournament finished. 但保罗终究会有老的一天,据此前奥博豪森水族馆的工作人员透露,他们已经准备让保罗在预测完本届世界杯之后退休。
After the 1970s, Stockhausen seemed to disappear up his own cul-de-sac of experimental noise. 二十世纪七十年代后,施托克豪森似乎消失在实验噪音研究的死胡同尽头。
Soon, Stockhausen composed the pioneering electronic study I. 不久,施托克豪森创作了前所未有的电子练习曲工。
It was that Stockhausen kept on looking for, and finding, sounds never heard before. 究其原因,施托克豪森孜孜不倦地在寻找并发现一些以前从未听到过的声音。
The second chapter is titled as Music Concepts of Stockhausen. 第二部分:斯托克豪森的音乐观念。
The Serial technique Messiaen used were quite different from the Twelve Notes music that representative of Arnold Schoenberg, nor the same of Integral Serial by Karlheinz Stockhausen and he others. 梅西安的序列技法不同于以勋伯格为代表的十二音音乐,亦不同于施托克豪森等的整体序列音乐,文章用“多维准序列”加以界定并予以区别。
Stockhausen Company, Eli Lilly Company did not exercise the burden of proof, the application materials without the court cross-examination, expert conclusions error filed an appeal on the grounds. 伊莱利利公司以豪森公司未行使举证责任,申报材料未经法庭质证,鉴定结论错误为由提起上诉。