The violins, based on the world-renowned Stradivarius, stand just one 12th of the normal size and can fetch a small fortune. 作为世界知名的弦乐器,这些迷你小提琴虽然只有正常小提琴的十二分之一,但每个都能小赚一笔。
The rich color of a Stradivarius 史特拉第瓦里小提琴的丰富音色
Right! If the scientists are correct, the special quality of the wood is one factor that allows a Stradivarius violin to produce such brilliant tones. 是的!如果科学家(的想法)是对的,那种有特殊品质的木头就是让瓦里小提琴可以发出如此绝妙声音的原因之一。