Barbra Streisand is such a humungous star. 芭芭拉·史翠珊是个天后级巨星。
Past recipients include Dean Martin, Bob Hope, Lucille Ball, Barbra Streisand. 过去的获奖者分别有迪恩马丁,鲍勃霍普,露西尔鲍尔和芭芭拉史翠珊。
Lengthy standing ovations rewarded not just great performances ( Bassey, Hudson and Streisand) but a break from the endless badly written snark. 现场观众长时间的起立欢呼不只是对(贝西、哈德森和史翠珊等人)杰出表演的衷心祝贺,更是对从冗长的糟糕节目中解脱出来的如释重负。
Shirley Bassey, Adele, Barbara Streisand, Jennifer Hudson and Norah Jones saved the evening and finally made the entertainment entertaining. 雪莉·贝西、阿黛尔、芭芭拉?史翠珊、詹妮弗?哈德森以及诺拉?琼斯的表演拯救了这个夜晚,让这场娱乐盛会终于变得欢乐起来。
You cannot be a singer of slow songs without being influenced by Streisand. 你不能成为一个歌手的慢歌不受史翠珊的影响。
What was streisand's eighth album? 第8章节是怎么说的来着?
Barbara Streisand has been a superstar for Three decades. 芭芭拉.史翠姗30年来一直是超级巨星。
The guest stars on tonight's show are Barbra Streisand and Barry manilow. 今晚演出的特邀明星是芭芭拉史翠珊和巴里曼尼罗。
Every time you hear Barbara Streisand sing. 每次当你听芭芭拉史翠姗时。
The film, which teams Ben Stiller, Robert De Niro, Barbra Streisand and Dustin Hoffman, has grossed more than$ 163 million during its12-day run, according to studio estimates. 据路透社1月2日报道,在本·斯蒂勒、罗伯特·德·尼罗、达斯汀·霍夫曼和芭芭拉·史翠珊的加盟下,《拜见岳父大人2》到目前为止已创下1.63亿美元的票房收入。