Chadian rebels have used Sudanese territory to launch attacks on Chadian government forces, disrupting humanitarian operations. 乍得反政府武装从苏丹领土上发动袭击乍得政府军,并破坏人道主义救援行动。
The announcement came a day after Sudanese troops killed six of the hostage-takers in a shootout. 一天前,苏丹军队在枪战中打死了6名绑匪。
He said the Sudanese government was in contact with the governments of both Libya and France. 他说,苏丹政府与利比亚政府和法国政府保持接触。
On Thursday, when the diplomats were in Darfur, the Sudanese armed forces attacked rebel positions. 周四,外交官们抵达达尔富尔时,苏丹军队袭击了叛军堡垒。
This follows years of war and neglect by the Sudanese government in Khartoum. 这一结果源于连年内战和北苏丹政府的渎职。
The State Department said it could not immediately confirm Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir's latest move against humanitarian organizations. 美国国务院说,他们还不能马上证实苏丹总统巴希尔最近对人道救援组织采取的举措。
The Bush administration has been relentless in its criticism of Sudanese President Omar Bashir-blaming him for the humanitarian crises in Darfur and elsewhere. 布什政府一直强烈批评苏丹总统巴希尔,指责他造成了达尔富尔和苏丹其它地区的人道主义危机。
They were escorted by armed men in T-shirts, whom locals later identified as Sudanese soldiers. 护卫工人的人穿着T恤,全副武装。后来,当地人认出这帮人是苏丹士兵。
Do you know how many pencils I could buy Sudanese school children? 你知道我能为苏丹的孩子们买多少铅笔吗?
Analysts said the statement reflected the importance that China puts on Sudanese crude. 分析人士表示,这一声明反映了中国对苏丹原油的重视。
African Union negotiators are struggling to hammer out a peace agreement between the Sudanese government and Darfur rebels. A. 非洲联盟谈判人员为促成苏丹政府与达尔富尔反政府武装达成和平协议艰难地努力。
Tackling both social and biological problems together could generate life-changingresults for the Sudanese. 生物学和社会问题一起处理可能会改变苏丹人的生活。
We'd like to study any possible scheme further with the Kenyan government and the Sudanese government. 我们希望与肯尼亚政府以及苏丹政府进一步研究所有可能方案。
But the Sudanese military has continued its attacks there, as recently as last week. 但是截止至上周,苏丹军方仍然持续着对该地区的进攻。
The African Union-backed accord was signed between the Sudanese government and the SPLM North party. 非洲联盟支持的该协议在苏丹政府和苏丹人民解放运动(SPLM)之间签署。
KIDS in a Sudanese refugee camp stir up a cloud of dust as they kick around a football. 孩子的苏丹难民营轰动了尘烟因为他们踢的足球。
Some Sudanese Islamic leaders have sworn to take up arms against any U. 一些苏丹穆斯林领袖们发誓要拿起武器抵抗联合国部队。
A: China welcomes the national power distribution agreement reached by the Sudanese Government and the anti-government militants. 答:中方对苏丹政府同反政府武装达成国家权力分配协议表示欢迎。
The Sudanese government has charged that the 16-month-old rebellion in Darfur is aimed at toppling the government. 苏丹政府说,十六个月前在达尔富尔地区开始的反叛活动,目的是要推翻政府。
Diplomats have welcomed the signing of several agreements between the Sudanese government and rebels from southern Sudan. 外交官员对苏丹政府和其南部的叛军签订的各项协议表示欢迎。
He expressed President Obama's deep concern over the continued presence of Sudanese forces in Abyei. 他传达了奥巴马对于苏丹部队继续停留在阿卜耶伊的深切关注。
President Deby has accused Sudan of backing the rebels, which Sudanese officials deny. 代比总统指责苏丹支持乍得反政府军。苏丹官员否认这项指责。
So far neither of the two Sudanese citizens wanted by the ICC have been charged in Sudan. 迄今为止,被国际刑事法院通缉的两名苏丹公民没有一个在苏丹被起诉。
He says the UN-African Union peacekeeping force accepted by Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir last week will help moderate the violence& but it is not enough to solve Darfur's problems. 他说苏丹总统奥马尔·巴希尔上周同意联合国和非洲联盟的维持和平部队进入该地区,这支部队将有助于缓和暴力,但是它不足以解决达尔富尔问题。
Sudanese government officials will be in Libya to talk about a ceasefire. 苏丹政府的官员将参与利比亚的会谈以商议有关停火的事项。
United Nations and Sudanese agencies will carry out the campaign this week and again in november. 联合国和苏丹人设立的组织在这个星期将开张这项运动并且在十一月份时再次开展。
As with Angolan, Nigerian or Sudanese oil, the industrial growth of China and India is driving demand. 与安哥拉、尼日利亚或苏丹的石油一样,中国和印度的工业增长正在推动需求节节攀升。
For example, the Sudanese Government and the anti-government forces have signed relevant agreement, and the humanitarian situation in Darfur has alleviated. 比如苏丹政府和反政府武装签署了有关协议,达尔富尔地区的人道主义形势有所缓和。
At least seven South Sudanese are freed from Arab abductors as an operation to rescue them resumes. 至少七个南苏丹人没有阿拉伯人诱拐者为救出他们的手术重新开始。
For example, we still have some Sudanese from the north-south war that are in Ethiopia. 举例来说,埃塞俄比亚境内还有一些在苏丹南北战争后生还的苏丹人。