The whole tone of President Suharto's speech was one of continuity and stability. 苏哈托总统演讲的整个基调是强调连续性与稳定性。
Mr Suharto wrote to the SFO in November to deny categorically all wrongdoing, adding that the accusations were false. 苏哈托去年11月致函SFO,断然否认一切指控,并称这些指控系捏造。
They also point to the lasting power of people at the heart of the killings, who maintained power for decades in organizations that have survived the Suharto era. 他们还指出,当年处在杀戮中心的刽子手们仍然手握重权,几十年来把持着苏哈托时代留存下来的那些机构组织。
Next to attending workshops as a tutor he has shot several short documentaries before, during and after Suharto stepped down as a president. 并在苏哈托担任总统之前,任期中及之后作为老师拍摄了一系列纪录短片。
During this period, when the exclusive focus of the country was economic growth, a large portion of the benefits was narrowly divided among the Suharto family and their cronies. 这个期间,国家的惟一焦点是经济增长,很大比重的利益只在苏哈托家族和他们的伙伴之间分配。
When the "new order" government of former President Suharto implemented a discriminatory policy against Chinese Indonesians in the60s, the word "cina" was used routinely to refer to them. 60年代苏哈多领导“新秩序”政府推行歧视华人政策,“支那”之声不绝于耳。
We are told that the Indonesia poor Malay suffered a lot under Suharto's corrupted regime, and they wanted change. 贫苦的马来人在苏的独栽统治下受难多年,现在是他们来改变这种状况的时候了。
Portuguese Parliament Member Demands the Extradition of Suharto 葡萄牙一议员,要求引渡苏哈多
He said the United Nations still considers Portugal the legal administer of East Timor. This will be helpful for filing the request to extradite Suharto. 他说,联合国仍认为葡萄牙是东帝汶的合法管理国,这有助于他们提出的引渡苏哈多的要求。
In Indonesia, the nepotism within the Suharto family caused the economic breakdown of the Asian country. 苏哈托家族中存在的裙带主义造成了这个亚洲国家的经济崩溃。
Suharto nb sp; and his family are reported to have accumulated up to nbsp; 40 BILLION USD in wealth. 据报道苏哈托和他的家族累积财富达400亿美元。
It will be a long and complex process for the post Suharto Government to make and carry out a set of fair policies toward the ethnic Chinese, and totally improve the political and cultural conditions of the Chinese community. 揭示了在后苏哈托时代里一套人道的、平等的华人政策的制定和实施,以及印及华人政治、文化境况的彻底改善,还将是一个复杂的、漫长的过程;
Suharto period, due to improvement of the environment, the government vigorously introducing foreign technology and funds to develop its own technology, has established a scientific research system, there have been rapid in the high-tech development. 苏哈托时期,由于环境的改善,政府大力引进国外技术和资金发展本国科技,建立起了科研体系,在高技术方面有了迅猛的发展。
The next period, the Suharto period is when the President used his political power to impose tougher measures to effectively control the situation in the country as a whole, this is a period when government impose strict media censorship or even to stop some medias from circulation. 第二段苏哈多时期这时总统在政治上运用强硬的手段有效地控制了整个国家的形势。