The proposal will be presented by Egyptian intelligence chief Omar Suleiman, who is due to visit Israel on Monday. 定于星期一访问以色列的埃及情报部门负责人苏莱曼将提交这项提议。
Mr Mubarak surrendered in the face of an astounding rejection of his move on Thursday to hand responsibilities to Mr Suleiman but remain as a figurehead president. 在最终屈服之前,穆巴拉克曾在周四提出向苏莱曼交出一部分职责,但自己保留名义上的总统身份,这一提议遭到抗议者坚决拒绝。
Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak had stepped down as the military took charge of the country, Egypt's Vice President Omar Suleiman said on Friday afternoon. 埃及副总统称,埃及总统HosniMubarak于星期五的中午在军队掌管了了整个国家后已经下台。
"The president has decided to step down and hand the military the responsibility to take over rule in Egypt," said Vice President Omar Suleiman. “总统已经决定辞职,将接管埃及秩序的责任交给了军事部门”副总统奥马尔苏莱曼说。
A White House statement said Vice President Joe Biden spoke by telephone with Egypt's Vice President, Omar Suleiman, to reiterate President Obama's condemnation of recent violence. 白宫的一则声明说,副总统拜登和埃及副总统苏莱曼通了电话,重申了奥巴马总统对最近暴力的遣责。
More likely it means Mr Mubarak handing over the reins to Mr Suleiman, his former intelligence chief, or the supreme council of the armed forces. 但这更有可能意味着穆巴拉克将大权交给前情报局长苏莱曼或者武装部队最高委员会。
Vice President Omar Suleiman announced the resignation on state television and said he was transferring authority to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces to "run the affairs of the country." 副总统奥马尔苏莱曼在国家电视台宣布辞职,并说他的权力移交给武装部队的最高委员会“运行该国的事务。”
That could mean an old-fashioned coup, as vice-president Omar Suleiman warned on Wednesday a threat that seems to have inflamed the uprising. 正如副总统奥马尔苏莱曼(omarsuleiman)在周三所警告的,这可能意味着传统意义上的政变这一威胁似乎助长了当前的起义。
President Suleiman says preparations are being made for relatives of those on board to receive information about the search efforts. 苏莱曼总统表示,已经做好相关准备工作,使机上人员的亲属随时了解搜救信息。
Vice-president Omar Suleiman said a military council will run the affairs of the Arab world's most populous nation. 副总统苏莱曼称,军事委员会将暂时处理国事。
Indeed, before the end of the day, state television had made a surprise announcement: Mr Mubarak had appointed a vice-president, the intelligence chief and top foreign policy envoy Omar Suleiman. 的确,周五夜间,埃及国家电视台发布了一项意外声明:穆巴拉克任命情报主管、最高外交特使奥马尔苏雷曼(OmarSuleiman)出任副总统。