The region of Oman was once known by its Sumerian name Magan. 阿曼地区曾经因美根的闪族人而闻名。
An area in the southern region of Babylonia; site of the Sumerian civilization of city-states that flowered during the third millennium BC. 巴比伦尼亚南部的一个区域;苏美尔文明所在地,即建立城邦国家,公元前第三个千年一直繁荣。
The Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh is filled with mentions of fiery chariots and people being taken up to the garden of God. 闪米特人的吉尔伽美什史诗充满了火焰般的战车,还有人类被带到神的花园。
The Akkadians were a Semitic people living on the Arabic peninsula during the great flourishing period of the Sumerian city-states. 阿卡德人是苏美尔城邦繁荣时期居住在阿拉伯半岛的闪族的一个民族。
The Sumerian cuneiform deciphering skills of Zecharia sitchen, a linguist in command of many ancient languages, has set the scientific world on its ear with his astounding interpretations of ancient writings. 扎查里亚西特切的闪族楔形文字破译技巧,一位语言学家在指挥着很多古代语言,已经把科学世界设计在它的倾听上,连同着他对古代作品惊人的解释。
So too the stories of Moses and of Samson have Sumerian and Babylonian parallels. 同样,关于摩西和参孙的传说在苏美尔和巴比伦也有相似的版本。
Contemporaneously, or possibly a little later, there developed a great Sumerian civilisation. 同时,或稍晚一些,这里形成了伟大的闪族文明。
The earliest known archaeological evidence of a canoe was unearthed at the tomb of a Sumerian king near the Euphrates River. 关于赛艇最早的考古发现是在幼发拉底河流域的闪族国王的墓穴被打开之后。
The Sumerian, however, had little stone available. a person who performs in the operettas of Gilbert and Sullivan. 然而苏美尔人没有石料可以利用。小歌剧《吉尔伯特和苏勒宛》中的人物。
Worldly people bow the knee to success as to god. Sumerian religion was polytheistic, that is, the Sumerians believed in and worshipped many gods. 市井小人崇拜成功犹如膜拜上帝。苏美尔人的宗教拾多神教,也就是,苏美尔人奉信和膜拜很多神灵。
Rabies and Rabid Dogs in the Sumerian and Akkadian Cuneiform Literature If they are, in fact, writing, they predate the commonly accepted origin of cuneiform writing in Mesopotamia by 200 years. 两河流域楔形文字文献中的狂犬和狂犬病果真如此的话,那它们就可能比公认的美索不达米亚最早的楔形文字早大约200年。
Sumerian myth, Hittites myth, a myth of their letters have a great impact. 苏美尔神话、赫梯神话、迦南神话对其都有巨大的影响。
This Sumerian learning had a very great vitality. 苏美尔人的这种学识是具有强大的生命力的。
To ensure that their legal, administrative, and economic institutions functioned effectively, the Babylonians used the cuneiform system of writing developed by their Sumerian predecessors. 为了确保他们的法律、管理和经济机构职能的有效性,巴比伦人使用了由他们的苏美尔人前辈发明的楔形文字书写系统。
Mabel complained of the Scottish arms in ancient times This Sumerian learning had a very great vitality. 梅伯尔抱怨的是苏格兰人在古时大动干戈。苏美尔人的这种学识是具有强大的生命力的。
Afterall, Sumerian and other Near Eastern civilizations were conquered and replaced by other empires. 毕竟,闪族人和其他近东文明被征服和被其他帝国取代。
In the30 century BC, the second half of the residents here is not to create inferior to Sumerian and ancient Egyptian civilization, the early South Asian subcontinent. 在公元前30世纪上半叶,这里的居民创造出丝毫不逊色于苏美尔和古埃及文明的南亚次大陆早期文明。
Plenty of literature deals with the subject, from the Sumerian epic of gilgamish to the poems of Homer and the writings of the Old Testament. 从苏美尔的吉尔伽美什史诗到荷马史诗,再到旧约故事,数不清的文学作品触及到这个主题。
I have a Sumerian document that's been translated that tells exactly how to build a flying saucer and it's a direct translation. 我有一个经过翻译了的苏美尔人的文件,精确地讲述了如何建造一个飞碟,不过是直译的。
Originally, ancient Sumerian and ancient Egyptian symbols existed, but only Chinese characters remain today. 原本,也有古代苏米人与埃及人的符号,可是只有中国文字保留至今。
Sumerian origins of the civilization 世界文明之旅之五苏美尔文明的起源
Exactly because of these kinds of special conditions of geography and special habits of thinking of Sumerian, they not only created the ancient agricultural civilizations in "Areas of two rivers", but also made its" city-states "appeared more special natures. 正是由于苏美尔人的这种特殊地理条件和思维习惯,使他们不仅在两河流域南部创造出了古老的农业文明,而且也使其城邦形态更显特殊性。
The mythological creation of ancient west Asia was originated from Sumerian civilization period. 古代西亚的创世神话起源自苏美尔文明时期。
The former takes Sumerian and Babylonian myth as representatives; while the latter mainly exists in the Hebrew classical masterpiece Bible. 前者的创世神话以苏美尔和巴比伦神话为代表。后者的创世神话主要存在于希伯来人的经典著作《圣经·创世纪》中。