He first became interested in studying infectious disease when he volunteered in Surinam during his medical training. 他首次成为传染病学习兴趣时,他自愿在苏里南在他的医疗训练。
A geographical regin of northeastern South America including Guyana and Surinam. 南美洲东北部一地理区域,包括圭亚那和苏利南。
Two countries, Guatemala and Surinam, were declared mine free. 危地马拉和苏里南这两个国家宣布清除了地雷。
This month, a parrot imported from Surinam died from bird flu while in UK quarantine but vets there say it probably got the infection from Taiwanese birds in the same facility. 这个月,英国从苏里南进口的一只鹦鹉在隔离期间死于禽流感,但是兽医说,这只鹦鹉可能是被同一隔离设施中的台湾鸟类传染的。
Ironically, the anti-immigration Fortuyn Party will present a first overseas-born, in surinam, to be the home affairs minister. 讽刺的是,反移民的佛杜恩党将推出第一位在海外苏利南出生的比朱霍出任家庭事务部首长。
The ash and silica content of 21 species of commercial woods of Surinam have been quantitatively determined. 定量测定了21种苏里南商用木材的灰分及二氧化硅含量。