Dr Alastair Sutcliffe, who worked on the study, said negative publicity surrounding the rise of older mothers was based on the physical risks of pregnancy and childbirth. 从事这一研究的阿拉斯泰尔•苏特克里夫医生说,伴随高龄母亲增多而来的负面宣传是以怀孕和分娩的身体风险为根据的。
Sutcliffe has a house in Mayfair so he obviously has means. 萨克里夫在梅费尔有一幢房子,因此他显然是一个富有的人。
In developing their own technology, Chinese companies have become far more assertive and sophisticated in managing IP rights, said Wang Xiang, a partner at the law firm Orrick, Herrington& Sutcliffe in Beijing. 奥睿律师事务所(OrrickHerrington&Sutcliffe)驻北京合伙人王翔表示,在自主研发技术的过程中,中国企业在管理知识产权上已经变得自信与老练许多。