Using tr is simple: to replace all occurrences of one character with another, use the notation shown in the previous paragraph. 使用tr很简单:使用前面一段中所给出的符号表示法,用一个字符去替换出现的所有另一个字符。
Since tr is purely a filter, you generate input for it using the cat command. 由于tr是纯粹的过滤器,因此您将使用cat命令为其生成输入。
Add adds new TCP TR policies to the system. add在系统中添加新的TCPTR策略。
The sed command also knows about the named character classes that the tr command supports; these are defined by POSIX, but the syntax here is a little different. sed命令也可以理解tr命令所支持的那些命名字符类,POSIX对这些字符类进行了定义,但是本文中的语法稍有不同。
Show displays all existing TCP TR policies defined on the system. show显示在系统上定义的所有现有TCPTR策略。
Next time, we'll delve into tr. 下一次,我们将深入研究tr。
The thead element has a single child node, tr, with three children& all th elements. thead元素只有一个子节点tr,后者有三个子节点&所有th元素。
Delete deletes existing TCP TR policies that are defined for the system. delete删除为系统定义的现有TCPTR策略。
The tr command works best with ASCII and the other standard C locales. tr命令最适合于ASCII和其他标准C区域设置。
The tr command lets you translate characters in one set to the corresponding characters in a second set. tr命令允许您将一个集合中的字符转换为另一个集合中相应的字符。
The pattern and replacement can be practically anything, and they don't need to have a 1:1 relationship like they do with the tr command. 实际上,模式和替换可以是各种各样的内容,并且它们之间不需要像在tr命令中那样具有1:1的关系。
You also have a method called tr that represents your item as a row in an HTML table. 还有一个称为tr的方法,它在HTML表中将物品表示为一个行。
In that example we used the output from the cat command to create standard input for the tr command. 在那个例子中我们使用来自cat命令的输出为tr命令创建标准输入。
However, you can use the tr command, which translates characters in one set ( set1) to corresponding characters in another set ( set2). 然而,可以使用tr命令,它将一个集合(set1)中的字符转换为另一个集合(set2)中的对应字符。
When availability or response time issue occurs, Transaction Collector ( TC) agent and Transaction Reporter ( TR) agent isolate problem and diagnose with the transaction topology diagram. 当出现与可用性和响应时间有关的问题时,TransactionCollector(TC)代理和TransactionReporter(TR)代理将隔离问题并使用事务拓扑图进行诊断。
You do this using the next section of CSS, the tr: nth-child declarations. 这个任务使用下一个CSS部分tr:nth-child声明来完成。
This utility provides interactive administration and scripted manipulation of TCP TR policies. 这个实用程序允许交互式地管理TCPTR策略,可以通过脚本操作策略。
Once in effect, these TCP TR profiles become the active policy governing connections. 生效之后,这些TCPTR配置文件成为有效的连接治理策略。
Also, when we use tr, we can avoid writing those pesky regular expressions. 另外,在使用tr时,可以避免写那些让人讨厌的正则表达式。
And that's about all tr can do. 这就是所有tr所能够做的。
You can think of tr as a ( very) simplified variant of sed: it will replace one character with another or remove some characters altogether. 您可以将tr看作为sed的(极其)简化的变体:它可以用一个字符来替换另一个字符,或者可以完全除去一些字符。
Optimize Tr by reducing the amount of information sent on the network. 通过减少网络上发送的信息量优化Tr。
So, why use it instead of sed? 那么,为什么要使用tr,而不使用sed呢?
Our two countries have had tr RX aw relations for ten years. 我们两国之间已经有了10年的贸易关系。
Obviously, you cannot use this mode together with AR and TR. 很明显,此模式无法和AR以及TR模式共存。
Guidance on statistical techniques in a quality management system is given in ISO/ TR 10017. GB/Z19027给出了统计技术在质量管理体系中的指南。
National GOST R certificate or TR certificate can be used to import goods and equipment only into Russia and to put goods and equipment only on Russian market. 国家GOSTR证书或TR证书可用于进口只有到俄罗斯的商品和设备,并只能将这些商品和设备投放到俄罗斯市场上。
Just a handful are currently slower, such as tr, gsub, and unpack. 仅仅是一部分性能较慢,例如tr、gsub和unpack。
Secure means for a complete evacuation from the tr. 从tr进行全面疏散的安全方法。
Development and application of a CAD/ CAE system for the TR forging die for crankshaft 曲轴TR镦锻模具CAD/CAE系统开发与应用