There were two central and countervailing forces in the life of Nikola Tesla. 在尼古拉·特斯拉的生活中存在着两股非常重要而且相互抗衡的力量。
Tesla already offers different battery sizes with different ranges on the S model. 比如特斯拉公司就已经开始提供电池容量和续航里程都有所差异的ModelS。
Tesla Motors made news last Wednesday when it posted its first quarterly profit. 上周三,特斯拉汽车公司(TeslaMotors)发布了第一季度财报,引起了不小的轰动。
And unlike the Detroit and foreign companies entering the EV market, Tesla will have some manufacturing disadvantages. 并且,跟进入电动汽车市场的来自底特律和外国的公司不同,特斯拉在生产上会有一些劣势。
But going forward, Tesla will have less of a cash cushion than competitors. 目前大部分钱是来自于此。但继续往前推进的话,特斯拉比起竞争对手来就会有点囊中羞涩了。
One of her songs includes sounds from a Tesla coil, a device that makes electricity. 其中一首歌更是加入了特斯拉线圈的声响,这是一种能发电的装置。
Google CEO and cofounder Larry Page is quite friendly with Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk. 谷歌创始人和CEO拉里佩奇和特斯拉与SpaceX的CEO伊隆马斯克的关系非常友好。
Luckily I bumped into a fellow Tesla owner online who let me charge at his place. 幸亏我在网上碰到了另一个开特斯拉的人,让我到他那里去充电。
His other company, Tesla Motors, makes electric cars. 他的另一家公司,特斯拉汽车公司主营业务是制造电动汽车。
Owning a Tesla, he added, makes us Internet technology people feel superior. 他还说,有一辆特斯拉让我们互联网技术人感到高人一等。
I think this is probably one of the biggest challenges Tesla has to overcome. 我认为这可能是特斯拉需要克服的最大挑战之一。
The valuation that all this good news is creating for Tesla is truly astonishing. 这些利好消息为特斯拉带来了极为惊人的估值。
The demands of the automotive sector may buy Tesla some time. 不过,汽车行业的需求也许能为特斯拉争取一些时间。
The drive parts are Tesla's devising, including a 28 kwh lithium battery pack and power-management system. 它的动力系统出自特斯拉的设计,包括容量为28千瓦时的电池组和电池管理系统。
The Tesla Motors founder said Thursday he intends to build a testing facility for the ultra-fast transportation system. 这位特斯拉汽车公司创始人在上周四表示,他打算为这一极速交通系统建造测试设施。
The Russians retrieved Tesla ´ s papers when they were returned to Yugoslavia after his death. 特斯拉死后当它们被送回南斯拉夫时俄罗斯人重新得到了他的论文。
Intrigued by the thermomagnetic motor concept, Peck offered to underwrite Tesla's research. 佩克对这个热磁马达的概念感兴趣,愿意资助特士拉的研究。
Tesla Motors, your clean way! 特斯拉汽车,你的洁净之旅!
COMPARED with other electric vehicles, the Tesla Roadster is what you might call a hot rod. 和其它的电动力汽车相比,泰斯拉跑车是你会把它比喻成“热棒”的那种车。
An air core spiral strip transformer, a kind of tesla transformers, which has been designd and manufactured. 介绍了带绕式空芯变压器的基本特点和应用前景。
An early case is Tesla Motors, maker of an all-electric sports car. 一个早期的例子是TeslaMotors公司&一家全电力跑车制造商。
The challenge in valuing Tesla as a car company is that the size of its long-term market is unknown. 要对作为汽车制造商的特斯拉估值,挑战在于它所面对的长期市场规模未知。
As other carmakers produce more EVs, Tesla will benefit by licensing its technology and selling batteries. 随着其他汽车制造商生产出更多电动汽车,特斯拉将从提供技术许可和电池销售中获益。
Nicola Tesla invents alternating current. 尼古拉特斯拉发明了交流电。
Tesla's vehicles use lithium-ion batteries that can be plugged in overnight to recharge. Tesla的汽车使用锂电池可在一个晚上插入充电。
Tesla built one for another magician. 特斯拉为另外一个魔术师造过一台机器。