Of course, no two people are the same, and Tetris impacts everyone differently. 当然,没有完全相同的两个人,俄罗斯方块对每个人的影响也不尽相同。
@ jzy: If Tetris has taught me anything, it's that errors pile up and accomplishments disappear. 如果俄罗斯方块教会了我什么,那就是错误会堆积起来,而成就则会不复存在。
Others have written about how the game can be habit-forming and change how we think about the world around us& a notion that's now referred to as the Tetris effect. 其他人也记录过这个游戏怎样使人上瘾,并改变人们对周围世界的看法现在被称为俄罗斯方块效应。
Most of the shoes are about old school games like Tetris, Pacman, Mario and Zelda. 这款鞋子的多数图案都是老的电子游戏,比如俄罗斯方块,吃豆子,超级玛丽和塞尔达。
Play a game of Tetris, said Rogers, and satisfy your craving to create order out of chaos. 罗杰斯说:玩一盘俄罗斯方块游戏,能够满足你在混乱中创造秩序的渴望。
Tetris has also had a smooth transition on to mobiles phones and appears inside the top 100 paid applications on the Apple AAPL-0.28% iTunes App store. 此外,俄罗斯方块已经平稳地过渡到了智能手机,目前已跻身苹果公司(Apple)iTunes应用商店付费应用排行榜前100名。
More than 20 billion games of Tetris Battle have been played on Facebook, too. Facebook用户也已经玩了超过200亿盘俄罗斯方块对战版游戏(TetrisBattle)。
Tetris is pure game: there is no benefit to it, nothing to learn, no social or physical consequence, he added. 俄罗斯方块是纯粹的游戏:玩它没有什么好处,没什么可学,也不会导致社交或身体方面的后果,他补充说。
EA Mobile became the exclusive mobile publisher for Tetris in2006. 2006年,EA手机成为俄罗斯方块的独家发行商。
He got afflatus from his beloved puzzle, thus designed the Tetris. 帕基特诺夫爱玩拼图,从拼图游戏里得到灵感,设计出了《俄罗斯方块》。
After this mapping is finished, EPOC users can ostensibly play Pong or Tetris telepathically. 这种映射完成后,用户可以表面上发挥太平洋业务中心傍或俄罗斯方块心灵感应。
The Tetris candle is such an interesting design. 俄罗斯方块蜡烛就是这样一款充满趣味的设计。
After three years'fight on the copyright, the Tetris finally belonged to the nintendo and become the facia game, and the original edition had sold out for30 million pieces. 在经过长达三年的版权争夺战后,俄罗斯方块花落任天堂,成为后者游戏机上的招牌游戏,仅正版的gameboy版本就售出3000万份。
This version of Tetris spread like wildfire around the world on copied floppy disks, catching the attention of many game publishers. 这一版本的俄罗斯方块通过软盘拷贝以野火燎原之势在全世界风行开来,引起了很多游戏发行商的关注。
The student subjects in his laboratory were tested at the video game tetris. 学生在他的实验室进行测试科目为方块游戏。
This paper is on "Tetris" game design and development. 本文主要介绍了“俄罗斯方块”游戏的设计与开发过程。
Actually, they are not the most popular ones, the name of the one is Tetris. 要不然就是《最终幻想》!其实这些都不是,它的名字叫《俄罗斯方块》!
Blue Planet is working on international Tetris Games along the lines of an Olympics. 蓝星软件公司正致力于开发国际通行的俄罗斯方块以争取进入奥运会。
Millions of people have bought and played Tetris. 无数的人买过并玩过俄罗斯方块这款游戏。
The announcement was made on Thursday by Blue Planet Software, the company that manages the exclusive licensing rights to the Tetris game, and EA Mobile, a wireless entertainment publisher. 这一消息是周四蓝色星球软件发布,该公经营俄罗斯方块游戏的独家特许授权,还是EA手机的无线娱乐发行商。
"My job was to find many games, but I kept coming back to Tetris," Rogers said. 我的工作就是发现新游戏,但我还是经常回忆起俄罗斯方块。
How many of you kids out there have a mom that does not play games, but will play tetris? 现在许多当妈妈的人中,谁没有玩过俄罗斯方块。
To the Earth, Tetris, Star Tropics, Punch Out. 到地球去,俄罗斯方块,星际回归线,出拳。
The company has brought a number of Tetris games to almost all mobile platforms. 公司已将数款游戏应用到几乎所有的移动手机平台上。
It borrows the classic image of Tetris but divides each image into four unit blocks, with one wick contained in each block. 借用了俄罗斯方块的经典形象,然而又把每个造型分成四个小方块单元,每个方块单元内含一个焰心。
It was spring in what was then the Soviet Union when a mathematician in Moscow with a penchant for puzzles created the Tetris computer game. 那是在一个春天,苏联莫斯科一位痴迷于智力游戏的数学家开发出了俄罗斯方块这款游戏。
Making a game is a lot of work ( except for Pong and Tetris). 制作游戏需要大量的工作(除非是个PongandTetris游戏)。
The game was so straightforward and simple that anybody could pick it up, yet as play progressed Tetris became more and more challenging. 这款游戏如此直接、简单,每个人都能很快上手,不过,随着游戏的进行,俄罗斯方块会变得越来越富有挑战。