Studies on the patterns of nonspecific esterase isozymes of Anopheles ( cellia) minimus Theobald ( diptera: culicidae) analysis of EST and pox isozyme in the sex of Actinidia 微小按蚊非特异性酯酶同工酶的研究猕猴桃不同性别过氧化物酶及酯酶同工酶分析
An Analysis of Theobald Boehm's Reform and its Limitations 试析波姆改革的特点与局限
Observations on the house frequenting behavior and host preference of two forms of Anopheles ( cellia) minimus Theobald in Hainan 海南省两型微小按蚊进出屋和宿主选择习性的观察
Laboratory Rearing and Ecological Observation on Simao Strain of Anopheles minimus Theobald in Yunnan 云南思茅微小按蚊室内饲养及有关生态观察报告
Behaviors of Human Race and Anopheles minimus Theobald, and their Relationship with Malaria Transmission 人类和微小按蚊行为及其与疟疾传播的关系