Thorburn is not convinced that the technology is ripe for clinical use. 索伯恩不相信该技术已成熟到可以临床应用。
Acknowledging some continuity between Romanticism and modernism, Thorburn believes that the true Romantic spirit is more of apocalyptic synthesis and that the subversion and dismantlement of extant ideologies is more a matter of the twentieth century than an essential attribute of the nineteenth-century Romanticism. 索本认可了浪漫主义与现代性之间存在着联系,但提出真正的浪漫主义精神主要还是天启式和综合式的,对传统意识形态的颠覆和消解更多是二十世纪而非十九世纪浪漫主义的本质特征。