Pioneering TV journalist and Timex watch pitchman John Cameron Swayze died in Sarasota, Florida, at age89. 电视新闻先驱者兼时代之音播音员约翰.卡梅伦在美国佛罗里达州西部城市-萨拉索塔逝世!
One's first watch is often a gift anything from a Timex on up received at graduation, confirmation, first job or Bar Mitzvah. 第一块手表往往都是别人送的,从天美时(Timex)起,不一而足。收到的场合可能是毕业,转正,找到第一份工作,也可能是成年礼。
Even before the Great Recession made modesty a must, Timex Ironman watches had become a mainstay for leaders who either lack pretension, or have enough pretense to want to appear that way. 即使在大衰退让低调行事成为一种必然选择之前,天美时铁人系列手表(TimexIronman)已经成为领导者们的主流选择,这些领导要么没有虚荣心,要么特别自命不凡,想以此彰显其个性。
Who need a lot more help than finding some missing timex. 下面有很多人更需要帮助。
It's a wind-up watch. I think it's a Timex. Yes, it's definitely a Timex. Erm, It's got the date on it. 是上弦手表。我觉得是Timex牌的。是的,肯定是Timex的。呃,上面有日期的。
Give a Timex to all, and to all good time. 拥有一块天美时表,拥有一段美好时光。