And finance minister Timms says specifics must be worked out in the coming weeks. 金融大臣蒂姆斯说,具体的细节将在未来几个星期内制定。
Timms says because of the recent global economic turmoil, the prime minister wants to see a number of changes brought in, including increased internal oversight at the banks. 布朗的金融大臣蒂姆斯在接受英国天空新闻电视台采访时说,由于最近的全球经济动荡,布朗首相希望能看到一些变革,包括增加对银行内部的监管。
For Mr Timms, the ability of in-house lawyers to provide risk management, as well as compliance advice, is crucial. 对蒂姆斯而言,内部律师提供风险管理以及遵章守纪建议的能力至关重要。